Does God Have a Gender?

When you make the two One, and when you make the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner, and the above as the below . . . then you will enter the Kingdom. ~ The Gospel of Thomas, Saying 22: 4, 7 When our primitive ancestors began to reflect on the mystery […]

Weeding Your Soul’s Garden

Your ego is a key player in your soul’s journey to wholeness. A strong and courageous ego aids your psycho-spiritual growth; a weak and fearful one holds you back. To gain a better understanding of your ego’s status you can track your dreams. Your ego shows up every night as you, the dreamer: the one […]

Stepping out of the Mist

I lived the first half of my life in a mist. I thought I could see but was blind to the sacred. At 17 a spiritual awakening turned me into an avid seeker. My ideas about God came from other people and the Bible. I read a chapter every night. At 27 I experienced a […]

Meaning from Symbol/Symbol from Self

Before words, there were symbols. Symbols arise from our Source. We and our world are resplendent with symbols. Our clothes, art, the colors and objects in our homes and where we work and play, the people we love and admire, everything in the natural world — all this has symbolic meaning for us. We do […]

Skinny Legs and All: A Refreshing Summer Read

Are you looking for some crazy fun yet soul-satisfying summer reading? Something to take your mind off your isolation in these dark and troubled times? If so, try Skinny Legs and All. When my friend, Bud, introduced me to Tom Robbins in the early nineties, this was the book he recommended. I had studied Jungian psychology for several […]

Because the Earth Has a Lot to Tell Us

With countries throughout the world grappling with the enormous problems and terrible implications of the coronavirus pandemic, Marco has decided to make this fascinating and stunningly beautiful documentary available for free through Passover (April 9) and Easter (April 12), and I am honored to share it with you.

How Do You Find Your Center?

Some practices take a longer trial period than others before you get into the groove and begin to notice beneficial effects that motivate you to continue. For example, I’ve always loved writing — letters, poetry, diaries, journals, stories, plays, etc. — but when I began to write my dissertation at the age of 39, it was far more difficult than fun.

The True Meaning of Christmas Stories

Here in the northern hemisphere of the Americas, ’tis the season for watching televised reruns of our favorite Christmas movies. Why do we love them so much?  What is it that brings us back, again and again, to re-experience stories we’ve heard so many times?

Cult of Personality Vs. Kali: Who Will Win?

The old ego’s belief in its superiority created, and still supports, patriarchal cultures with their hierarchies of authority. In extreme cases, hierarchies can create a cult of personality surrounding an inflated ego which fought its way to the top believing its powerful position would immunize it from the suffering and failure of those below.