

Memories of Childhood Dreams

Mama got a job working nights at the hospital. She slept during the day while Daddy was at work and Jimmy was at school, so I entertained myself. I got so accustomed to being alone that once when a little girl asked me to come out and play, I wouldn’t go. She bit my hand and ran away! I couldn’t imagine what her problem was.

A Lesson on Aging

I’m so happy to be back in the mountains. I love the weather, the trees, the birds, the rushing creek, the flowering bushes. The beauty.

The Inner Child and War

“The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree

Cruises, Birthdays, and Dreams

Dear friends, Last night we returned home from a two-week birthday cruise that took us from Lisbon to Barcelona by way of the Gibraltar Strait

Living and Learning To Love

After writing two posts a week for years, then one post a week, and now even less, the time has come to give more time

Season’s Blessings

            Wishing those of you in the northern hemisphere a Happy Winter Solstice. For my friends in the southern hemisphere,

The Power of Inner Work: Three Questions

“We have all experienced the destructive effects of the projections onto the feminine in Western societies. These projections trace their origins to the joining of

A Special Last-Minute Notice

The myth is the public dream and the dream is the private myth. If your private myth, your dream, happens to coincide with that of

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