The 52nd Week: My Year-End Rituals

I love the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. It has always stood out from the other 51 weeks in a year like a peaceful Zen garden, a special oasis where I attend to soul needs that require annual closure.

My Holiday Blessings to You

My dear friends, Soon it will be twelve years that I’ve shared my associations with Christmas and the New Year here at Matrignosis. Communicating my soul’s truths and discussing them with you has been one of my life’s greatest joys—a special kind of magic I never imagined possible until a few decades ago. I am […]

The Thanksgiving Gift of Two-Way Partnership

Most people think working with horses is a one-way form of communication: the human does the training and the horse does the listening and learning so it can serve the human’s needs. Most riders and trainers love horses very much and train them with kindness and patience; others believe they need to “break” horses with bullying and brute force. Either type can achieve great success…from the perspective of the human ego.

Solstice: A Coming Together of Creativity and Hope

“This is the solstice, the still point of the sun, its cusp and midnight, the year’s threshold and unlocking, where the past lets go of and becomes the future; the place of caught breath”. Margaret Atwood Yesterday we celebrated the summer solstice, Father’s Day, and our twin grandsons’ 19th birthdays with our son’s family when they […]

The Power of Love Haiku

  The Power of Love   I felt it last night. Easter loosened close-packed earth, freed love to shine through.   Ice melted. Water flowed from choked up reservoirs. Bees dispensed pollen.   Cardinals flew by. Their wings swept away dead leaves, caressed blooming buds.   It took me so long to excavate ancient wounds, […]

Perfection? Honey, Everybody’s Messed Up!

“A dream is an experience, something that happens to you, an event.” ~Robert Bosnak The new year is 18 days old. I’ve begun my new dream journal, recorded 13 dreams, and worked on all but two. As the pandemic rages around me, I’ve stayed home with only a few brief and inconsequential exceptions. Yet in […]

Symbolism of the Christmas Star: A Great Conjunction

“The old image of “sky” rests uneasily next to the modern idea of “space.” Now depth psychology sees the image of the star-studded sky as a visualization of the flickering sparks of consciousness within the dark vastness of the unconscious psyche.” Taschen, The Book of Symbols, p. 56 Tonight, December 21, 2020, will be the […]

Because the Earth Has a Lot to Tell Us

With countries throughout the world grappling with the enormous problems and terrible implications of the coronavirus pandemic, Marco has decided to make this fascinating and stunningly beautiful documentary available for free through Passover (April 9) and Easter (April 12), and I am honored to share it with you.

The True Meaning of Christmas Stories

Here in the northern hemisphere of the Americas, ’tis the season for watching televised reruns of our favorite Christmas movies. Why do we love them so much?  What is it that brings us back, again and again, to re-experience stories we’ve heard so many times?

A Summer of Numinous Moments

In these moments of heightened self-awareness I feel like I’m in touch with beauty, my true Self, and the Source of life. When I was younger, this usually only happened in church. Now it happens daily, especially when I experience a synchronicity, am outdoors in nature, or spend time with family or friends.