My Holiday Blessings to You


My dear friends,

Soon it will be twelve years that I’ve shared my associations with Christmas and the New Year here at Matrignosis. Communicating my soul’s truths and discussing them with you has been one of my life’s greatest joys—a special kind of magic I never imagined possible until a few decades ago.

I am deeply grateful to each of you for your open minds and welcoming hearts, for reflecting on my words and experiences and sharing your own. For being who you are, showing up in my life year after year, and helping me grow and strengthen my voice. Thank you.

My heart is so full that there’s little room left for words. So instead I offer images. Apart from my family and close friends, always at the top of my list, here are a few additional things I am grateful for on my journey through the year 2021.

The Nautilus Silver Medal Award for The Soul’s Twins honored me for following the guidance of my daimon.

Spiraled nautilus shells reminded me of the movement, fluidity, and cycles of life through which I have passed.

Boat rides on our nearby lake at sundown and stunning sunrises at the beach attested to the deaths and births that have shaped the trajectory of my growth.








Long walks in the Smoky Mountains with my granddog, Izzy, returned me to my roots in Mother Nature’s world.

Visits with my granddaughter and grandhorse, Harvey, connected my story with a new generation.

Concerts by the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra enveloped me in the sacred rhythms and patterns of life.

Communicating with you from the comfort of my cozy study was a constant reminder of the blessings of writing, books, music, art, and friends.

Last year Fred and I enjoyed Christmas dinner in our library while our children and their families dined in separate rooms. This year the COVID19 vaccine and boosters will enable us to gather at one table again. We’re all well. Thank you to the medical personnel who made this possible.

Until we meet again next year, I wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and peace on Earth, good will toward all. Thank you for sharing your precious life with me.



Featured Image Credit: Catrin Welz-Stein. Sunrise photo: Jo Sinclair

Paper and E-book versions of The Bridge to Wholeness and Dream Theatres of the Soul are at Amazon. The Wilbur Award-winning Healing the Sacred Divide can be found at Amazon and Larson Jean’s new Nautilus Award-winning The Soul’s Twins, is at Amazon and Schiffer’s Red Feather Mind, Body, Spirit. Subscribe to her newsletter at

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12 Responses

  1. Merry Christmas Dear Jeanie! And thank you so much for sharing your beautiful mind, spirit, heart and soul, alongside your amazing books and blog, with us throughout these long years. I can’t exactly remember the joyful day I first discovered Matrignosis, many years ago now I know, however I do remember the simple joy of discovering a soul sister who spoke to me in rich, clear and insightful language that helped further introduce to me the treasure that Jungian psychology offers. I was enchanted from our first very encounter and remain so to this day! I imagine in recent years you’ve been pure inspiration to many who enjoy writing, having now written your fourth, impressive and award-winning book, “The Soul’s Twins” which I ab-soul-utely loved! So let me sign off by thanking you being “You” and sharing “Your” precious life with us all. Love and light, always and forever, Deborah.

    1. Merry Christmas dear Deborah! I believe I received your first comment some time in the second or third year of my blog, which would be around 2011-12. I couldn’t believe my luck. Yours was one of the first voices to confirm my choice to write a blog and connect me with a sisterhood of like-minded souls. Since then you’ve continued to delight me with the generosity of your comments and the clarity and wisdom of your insights. Many thanks for being a shining light in my writing life. Sending my warmest wishes for love and new life in the coming year.

  2. I’m grateful to have come upon you and your soul friends … to all a peaceful Christmas time and Blessings ahead.

    A spot of sunlight
    In the eddy of our life
    Her radiant splendour

    Ashen ☼

    1. I am likewise grateful to have come upon you and yours, Ashen. Thank you for introducing me to your amazing book, Course of Mirrors, and your gifted spiritual teacher, Fazal Inayat-Khan. How fortunate you were to have received the gift of his friendship, and how fortunate I am to have received the gift of yours. Best of luck with your new book. I’m deeply touched by your beautiful haiku. Thank you, friend.

  3. There are a few of you who inspire me and have enriched my life enormously in so many ways. Having soul sisters whether in the atmosphere or in real life is a blessing I shall always treasure.If I think of the how and why, I guess I’d say the gentleness and wisdom you impart Jeanie in your blogs. The encouragement you give each of us to pursue the dream by paying attention to it and doing the work required of each of us is a great gift of yours. Peace and goodwill to you and your family – a blessed Christmas to you all. I love the dove of peace .. and thank you for sharing your precious life with us. Love, Susan

    1. I’m so glad I found you and your rich, deeply reflective books and blog. I feel the same: having a soul sister like you is a great blessing to be treasured. I’m especially inspired by your compassion for your fellow countrywomen and men, and for sharing their stories with such love and respect. You’ve opened my eyes to the beauty and struggles of another part of this magnificent world that I’ve never had the privilege to visit but hope to one day. Blessings to you and your dear family this Christmas and always. Love, Jeanie

  4. This time, dear Jeanie, I never want to miss the opportunity to utter my thankfulness and gratitude for knowing you and having you as a friend and teacher. I wish you and yours a leisurely and peaceful Xmas; I see, though, you have in your environment all one can want to. Enjoy your holidays and stay safe and well. Always yours, Aladin

    1. I so appreciate your kindness, friendship, and generous spirit, Aladin. I don’t remember exactly when you began to share my posts on your blog—it’s been several years—but I remember clearly the feelings of warmth and gratitude that washed through me with that simple, affirming act. Now it gives me great pleasure to see you sharing your own passions and writing from your heart in your own voice, always with utmost integrity and humility. If I have been a teacher for you, I’m must say that I’m very proud to have had you as my student. Holiday blessings now and always, Jeanie

  5. Blessed Solstice and Merry Christmas, Jeanie. I had the great pleasure of seeing the full moon rising yesterday evening. Tonight’s full moon will be behind thick clouds.

    Thank you for your gift of friendship and illuminating writing over many years now. I’m grateful you were our hostess when Vic spoke at a Jung group in Orlando and we stayed in touch. In NY, including near Ithaca and on the campuses, we’re concerned about the increase in covid, so my big outings are to the grocery store–often avoiding Ithaca (my town). I have a few hardy friends who walk the trails with me in winter, so that’s a gift, and my dogs are always cheerful and ready for a hike.

    I miss Vic more than ever during these covid times. I’d love to say “I’m over that,” but that would be a lie, so I accept my feelings the best I can and write about them. I’m happy for a few synchronicities and dreams telling me I’m on the right track writing about Monarchs (butterflies, psyche, soul). I have a challenging winter’s work ahead with one hundred pieces spread around on my computer and in various notebooks, but a time of potential creativity and joy. My photos are a basic outline, but I’m working on articulating what the Monarchs mean for my soul. I’m glad to know the migrators are doing well in Mexico.

    Love and hope to you, Fred, and your family. I hope Izzy comes for Christmas, too.

    1. Thank you, Elaine. I’m glad I was your hostess way back then too! It was the beginning of a rich and rewarding relationship. I am most grateful for your friendship and writing. It’s very nice to have a like-minded friend to communicate with at this phase of our lives. Like you, my life and feelings are changing. I think because, like the moon this evening, I sense the approaching waning of my lunar self. She has been such a powerfully inspired and motivated writer and teacher, bringing great joy to my soul for so long. As you well know, it’s not easy to accept this phase. Luckily, I’m having wonderfully instructive and synchronistic dreams as well. They’re very effective at affirming that this too will pass, as all things do, and the moon will rise in her fullness once again…… 🙂

      Best of luck with your Monarch book, and love and hope to you and your family. Izzy will be with me for Christmas, and at the cabin for a while after that! She’s very good for my soul!

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