

Enlightenment in New Mexico

It is an honor to present today’s post, a review of my new book written by guest blogger, N.M. Freeman. It first appeared last week on her blog. Here’s the link. Natasha is the author of the award-nominated The Story of Q. (inspired by actual events). This book blew me away! You can read what I wrote about it in January of this year in a post titled Questioning Religion.

The 52nd Week: My Year-End Rituals

I love the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. It has always stood out from the other 51 weeks in a year like a peaceful Zen garden, a special oasis where I attend to soul needs that require annual closure.

The Hidden Meaning of Christmas

Imagine our surprise when, on our recent trip to Indochina, our group of travelers arrived in Saigon to find it decorated for Christmas! Windows of one major department store were topped with thick mounds of carved styrofoam snow. Our hotel lobby held a giant blue Christmas tree and a life-sized Santa Claus who swiveled his hips while he sang “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.”

Here Comes Trickster!

“Since psyche and matter are contained in one and the same world, and moreover are in continuous contact with one another and ultimately rest on

Sacred Laws of Psyche: The Law of Love, Part I

Today, too many people  scoff at subjective inner experiences that can’t be proven. Some even scoff at love. Humanity is paying a big price for our obsession with divine reason.

Sacred Laws of the Psyche: The Third Force

“…the hermaphrodite has gradually turned into a subduer of conflicts and a bringer of healing, ….its power to unite opposites mediates between the unconscious substratum

Sacred Laws of Psyche: The Law of Entropy

We know that the mask of the unconscious is not rigid—it reflects the face we turn towards it. Hostility lends it a threatening aspect, friendliness

Sacred Laws of Psyche: The Law of Choice

But the big choices that can permanently alter the course of your life are very difficult. How then do you decide? In my life I’ve found that impulsive decisions are rarely the answer.

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