The Feminine Art of Transforming A House

“I was passionate, filled with longing. I searched far and wide. But the day that the Truthful One found me, I was at home.” ~Lal Did There is a powerful force in you that urges you to grow into the whole individual you were meant to be. Jung called it the transcendent function. Both masculine […]

How to Use Your Feminine Energy to Provoke Change

Your personality was shaped by messages that came from outside of you. Much of what you were taught about the “correct” actions and attitudes, and much of what you did in response, goes against the grain of your soul. Your artificially conditioned conscious attitude (your ego), combined with the parts of yourself you disowned (your […]

How to Use Your Masculine Energy to Provoke Change

“A special ability means a heavy expenditure of energy in a particular direction, with a consequent drain from some other side of life. –Carl Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul You are something new: an original soul with a unique heart/mind housed in a body no one else has ever had. You carry […]

Coronavirus, Consciousness, and Shadow

There is no consciousness without discrimination of opposites…Nothing can exist without its opposite; the two were one in the beginning and will be one again in the end. Consciousness can only exist through continual recognition of the unconscious, just as everything that lives must pass through many deaths. Carl Jung, CW, vol. 9.I, par. 178. […]

How Do You Respond to Unwanted Change?

“The divine process of change manifests itself to our human understanding . . . as punishment, torment, death, and transfiguration.” ~Carl Jung; Alchemical Studies “At times it is strangely sedative to know the extent of your own powerlessness.” ~Erica Jong “Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.” ~Anne Sexton Welcome to […]

Sacred Laws of Psyche: The Connection Between Opposites

When you were a child, your parents taught you to see things dualistically, in terms of either-or, good-bad. They did this to socialize you into the norms of acceptable behavior and keep you safe. Every time you exhibited qualities or traits they considered inappropriate, they guided you into ones they believed were more desirable.

Sacred Laws Of Psyche: The Connection Between Psyche and Psychoid

A few years back I wrote a post about eight sacred laws of the psyche and how our lack of understanding of them is responsible for the mess our world is in today.  In this post and a few to follow, I’d like to explore these laws more deeply in the hope of raising awareness […]

How Do You Find Your Center?

Some practices take a longer trial period than others before you get into the groove and begin to notice beneficial effects that motivate you to continue. For example, I’ve always loved writing — letters, poetry, diaries, journals, stories, plays, etc. — but when I began to write my dissertation at the age of 39, it was far more difficult than fun.

Snake Symbolism

A snake is one of the most versatile of all creatures. It can live in the ground or in a tree, in the desert or in the water, but it is primarily considered a chthonic creature, i.e. as pertaining to the earth and the spirits of the underworld.

Gifts From Dream Mother and the Crones

Thirty years ago I made the decision to take my inner life seriously enough to work on my dreams. The tenth dream I recorded presaged a turning point in my life that would come about because of that choice. Here is a brief summary: