Is Nothing Sacred Any More? Where is Your Temple?

“We are still looking back to the pentecostal events in a dazed way instead of looking forward to the goal the Spirit is leading us to. Therefore mankind is wholly unprepared for the things to come. Man is compelled by divine forces to go forward to increasing consciousness and cognition, developing further and further away […]

Symbolism of the Christmas Star: A Great Conjunction

“The old image of “sky” rests uneasily next to the modern idea of “space.” Now depth psychology sees the image of the star-studded sky as a visualization of the flickering sparks of consciousness within the dark vastness of the unconscious psyche.” Taschen, The Book of Symbols, p. 56 Tonight, December 21, 2020, will be the […]

Your Invitation to Be Part of the Change

The USA witnessed a momentous change this past weekend, one I’ve longed for and worked toward for a long time. As one who writes about personal change, I’ve avoided political advocacy in the belief that we can make no lasting changes in the world without first changing ourselves. I still believe that. But now I […]

It’s Voting Day for All of Us

Today is the day the USA votes for our presidential election. It’s a very big day for all of us. Not just our country. Tonight, tomorrow, the next day, some of us will celebrate, and others will mourn. I sincerely hope you will be on the celebrating side. I know that’s impossible for all who […]

A New Idea of What We Are Part I

Note: I hope you enjoy this post from over four years ago. It feels like a good time to revisit these ideas. To paraphrase Terence McKenna, “Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. We need to explore new ideas of who we are.” I know for a fact that in the […]

Taming the Untamed Psyche: The Path to World Peace

“Man, like the other animals, is originally simply the puppet of instinct, just as the infant is. Unless he is moved by instinct, he remains passive, even asleep. When instinct is aroused he reacts precipitately, with a characteristic all-or-none type of reaction.  He is aware, it is true, of what he does and of what […]

Take This Coronavirus Status Check

The coronavirus pandemic has called forth some unsettling archetypal forces in all of us. In normal times we ignore most of them as we go about our daily business. But our daily business has been interrupted by our species’ relentless destruction of biodiversity. This has created the conditions for a viral disease that impacts the […]

Can We Tame the Masculine Monsters Within?

“The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are nothing other than psychic epidemics. At any moment several million human beings may be smitten with a new madness, and then […]

What Will Be Your Legacy to the Next Generation?

You are who you are because of those who preceded you. Your grandparents shaped the personalities and lives of your parents who shaped you. The lessons they learned freed you from having to relearn them for yourself; their unresolved issues became part of your inheritance. The issues you resolve in your lifetime will free your […]

How to Use Your Masculine Energy to Provoke Change

“A special ability means a heavy expenditure of energy in a particular direction, with a consequent drain from some other side of life. –Carl Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul You are something new: an original soul with a unique heart/mind housed in a body no one else has ever had. You carry […]