Religion and the Sacred Marriage

In the first century Near East the concepts of femininity being as worthy as masculinity and humanity containing divinity were incomprehensible to most people and documents promoting these ideas had to be hidden away to prevent their destruction. Thus, much of the wisdom of the early “Jesus Movement” was lost to the masses for two thousand years.

The Feminine Symbolism of Vessels

Vessels accept, contain, protect and preserve the birth/death/rebirth cycle of life at both the physical and metaphysical levels. Our planet Earth is a living vessel whose life cycles mirror the soul-making processes of psychological and spiritual transformation.

The Evolution of God-Images Part VII: An Outer Other God

As our bodies have a mysterious imperative to grow and develop physically, so our psyche has a mysterious compulsion to evolve. We don’t know what this is, we just know it is. Carl Jung thought of the psyche’s compulsion to evolve as the archetype of Divinity. He saw it as both the core and circumference […]

Dream Messages from the Fruitful In-Between

Dream #5363:  August 6, 2021 I’m in a room with several young people. I walk past my granddaughter Sophia. She’s standing in front of a young blonde-haired man who’s sitting on a couch to my right. He hands her a small round canister, like the kind Kodak film used to be rolled up in. She […]

Do We Need Schools for Forty-Year-Olds?

“I write because… well, the best I can say for it is it’s a psychological quirk of mine developed in response to whatever personal failings I have.”  ~Zadie Smith, Intimations When I discovered Jungian psychology in my forties, I knew I’d found a guide to self-understanding. By the time my second book was published, I was […]

Seeing Through a New Lens: Part I

This morning I awoke from a dream in which a woman calls me on the phone to tell me about an idea she has. “It’s erotic,” she says almost apologetically.”That’s okay,” I say, “I’ve been thinking about that lately.”

Dreams As Spiritual Guides

Until I discovered dreamwork, no books or scriptures, no religious beliefs or sacrifices or regular church attendance, none of my ego’s hard work or good behavior, no well-intentioned thoughts or knowledge or cleverness, no psychological expert or religious authority—nothing in my life had any lasting transforming or healing power for me. But this dream from the Self did.

Following Our Symbols: Water

Water is not only a symbol of life. It is the very precondition of life. Without water, there can be no life. Is it any wonder that most cultures have associated water with the feminine and the dark depths of the unconscious? After all, it has always been the female of our species who gives birth to new life.

Anima/Animus: The Archetype of Contrasexuality

As I write this, it’s Dec. 21, 2015, Winter Solstice Eve, the darkest night of the year. In the following video I share my very first recorded dream. It’s very fitting that it featured my animus as an attractive, seductive man who wanted to enlighten me about love.

Which Feminine Archetypes Are Strongest In You?

If you haven’t read last week’s post, you might want to go there first to hear my thoughts about the basic masculine archetypes. This time I want to highlight the feminine ones. Please remember that these energies and qualities, so-called “masculine” and “feminine,” are part of the psychological inheritance of everyone, regardless of gender.