The Game of Hide and Seek:  Or How to Create a Shadow

It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure. The very cave you are afraid to enter turns out to be the source of what you are looking for. The damned thing in the cave that was so dreaded has become the […]

Take This Coronavirus Status Check

The coronavirus pandemic has called forth some unsettling archetypal forces in all of us. In normal times we ignore most of them as we go about our daily business. But our daily business has been interrupted by our species’ relentless destruction of biodiversity. This has created the conditions for a viral disease that impacts the […]

Stepping out of the Mist

I lived the first half of my life in a mist. I thought I could see but was blind to the sacred. At 17 a spiritual awakening turned me into an avid seeker. My ideas about God came from other people and the Bible. I read a chapter every night. At 27 I experienced a […]

Can We Tame the Masculine Monsters Within?

“The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are nothing other than psychic epidemics. At any moment several million human beings may be smitten with a new madness, and then […]

How to Use Your Feminine Energy to Provoke Change

Your personality was shaped by messages that came from outside of you. Much of what you were taught about the “correct” actions and attitudes, and much of what you did in response, goes against the grain of your soul. Your artificially conditioned conscious attitude (your ego), combined with the parts of yourself you disowned (your […]

Coronavirus, Consciousness, and Shadow

There is no consciousness without discrimination of opposites…Nothing can exist without its opposite; the two were one in the beginning and will be one again in the end. Consciousness can only exist through continual recognition of the unconscious, just as everything that lives must pass through many deaths. Carl Jung, CW, vol. 9.I, par. 178. […]

Nature’s Mysterious Paradox

“The God Pan is doing his work, creating mayhem and forcing us into contact with a wildness we won’t forget….Pan who brings unbridled change without discernible order or structure. Pandemic, Panic, Pandemonium. This virus.” ~ Elaine Mansfield My friend Elaine Mansfield is an author and blogger. Her latest post, “The Greek God Pan, Pandemic, & […]

Sacred Laws of Psyche: The Connection Between Opposites

When you were a child, your parents taught you to see things dualistically, in terms of either-or, good-bad. They did this to socialize you into the norms of acceptable behavior and keep you safe. Every time you exhibited qualities or traits they considered inappropriate, they guided you into ones they believed were more desirable.

Sex, Suffering, Shadow, and Alchemical Transformation

My studies in Jungian psychology have taught me that the most powerful and painful awakenings of the kind my friend and I have endured are natural phenomena that accompany our emerging awareness of repressed instincts.

The Alpha Mare

The Alpha mare does not command respect because she is youngest, prettiest, most charming, physically strongest, or the stallion’s favorite, but because her age and vast experience have made her confident, mentally strong, and savvy in the ways of survival.