Repairing the Foundation of Psyche’s House

Learning how we are really wounded, how our childhood was lacking, and how we need to be healed and grow is crucially important to living a fulfilled life. If we aren’t able to determine and face the truth of how we were formed, then in our radical achievement- and identity-oriented society we will constantly blame […]

The Never-Ending Dance

I too have suffered from despair since childhood. It began at the age of 11 when my father died. To this day there are many occasions in my daily life when I cannot get excited about something because I know it will not last and my pleasure will not last and I will die and nobody will care and nothing I have done will make any difference, and so what?

Two Birthday Gifts From Afar

I usually schedule a post to be published one minute after midnight every Tuesday morning. I’ve done that pretty consistently for thirteen years with the exception of a year or two when I was so busy with my third book that I posted every two weeks. For some reason, or probably many reasons, yesterday I […]

Sacred Laws of the Psyche: The Law of Synchronicity

“Since psyche and matter are contained in one and the same world, and moreover are in continuous contact with one another and ultimately rest on irrepresentable, transcendental factors, it is not only possible but fairly probable even, that psyche and matter are two different aspects of the same thing.” C.G. Jung, On the Nature of […]

The Sacred Law of Correspondence

The first sacred law of psyche, the Law of Correspondence,  says that the outer universe is a reflection of the realities of our inner universe. This intuition gave rise to the ancient adages, “As above, so below,” and “As without, so within.” Humanity has expressed this relationship in diverse symbol systems like mythology, religion, tarot, alchemy, […]

A Bear Crossed My Path Today

“There comes a time in your life when the life you have been living is over and you have no clue who you are becoming.”~ Marion Woodman “Bears are magical woodland creatures, linked to ancient healings, spiritual power, intuitive sight, and harmony in nature. Throughout history and mythical folklore, bears play a vital role in […]

Joy and Sorrow

” I have been in sorrow’s kitchen and licked out all the pots. Then I have stood on the peaky mountains wrapped in rainbows, with a harp and sword in my hands.” ~Zora Neale Hurston Have you experienced a time when several events converged to remind you of life’s joys and sorrows? This is how […]

The Defining Characteristics of the Opus

It’s life that matters, nothing but life — the process of discovering, the everlasting and perpetual process, not the discovery itself, at all. ~Fyodor Dostoevsky. The Idiot Any real change implies the breakup of the world as one has always known it, the loss of all that gave one an identity, the end of safety. And […]

A Thank-You and a Confession

” A man likes to believe that he is master of his soul. But as long as he is unable to control his moods and emotions, or to be conscious of the myriad secret ways in which unconscious factors insinuate themselves into his arrangements and decisions, he is certainly not his own master. These unconscious […]

Symbolism of the Christmas Star: A Great Conjunction

“The old image of “sky” rests uneasily next to the modern idea of “space.” Now depth psychology sees the image of the star-studded sky as a visualization of the flickering sparks of consciousness within the dark vastness of the unconscious psyche.” Taschen, The Book of Symbols, p. 56 Tonight, December 21, 2020, will be the […]