Surrendering to the the Pull of Love

“The mountains are calling and I must go…” –John Muir “Are we there yet?” Fred smiled indulgently at me from the driver’s seat of the car. I knew I sounded like a grumpy, impatient child. But it was late afternoon, I was hungry, stiff, and achy. And we were two hours away from our family […]

Stepping out of the Mist

I lived the first half of my life in a mist. I thought I could see but was blind to the sacred. At 17 a spiritual awakening turned me into an avid seeker. My ideas about God came from other people and the Bible. I read a chapter every night. At 27 I experienced a […]

Meaning from Symbol/Symbol from Self

Before words, there were symbols. Symbols arise from our Source. We and our world are resplendent with symbols. Our clothes, art, the colors and objects in our homes and where we work and play, the people we love and admire, everything in the natural world — all this has symbolic meaning for us. We do […]

Daimons, Archetypes, and Gods

“The method of active imagination that Jung inaugurated in modern psychology is the answer to the classical question of introspection at such a profound level that it changes the image of human being, of the psyche, and what Know Thyself essentially means. Before Freud, knowing thyself in psychology meant to know one’s ego-consciousness and its […]

Can We Tame the Masculine Monsters Within?

“The gigantic catastrophes that threaten us today are not elemental happenings of a physical or biological order, but psychic events. To a quite terrifying degree we are threatened by wars and revolutions which are nothing other than psychic epidemics. At any moment several million human beings may be smitten with a new madness, and then […]

Nature’s Mysterious Paradox

“The God Pan is doing his work, creating mayhem and forcing us into contact with a wildness we won’t forget….Pan who brings unbridled change without discernible order or structure. Pandemic, Panic, Pandemonium. This virus.” ~ Elaine Mansfield My friend Elaine Mansfield is an author and blogger. Her latest post, “The Greek God Pan, Pandemic, & […]

Sacred Laws Of Psyche: The Connection Between Psyche and Psychoid

A few years back I wrote a post about eight sacred laws of the psyche and how our lack of understanding of them is responsible for the mess our world is in today.  In this post and a few to follow, I’d like to explore these laws more deeply in the hope of raising awareness […]

Meme-Noir: An Artistic Tour de Force

Meme-Noir is a fresh, original, page-turning tour-de force of a psychological memoir. McCabe as storyteller is an enormously likable lover of life who survives daunting challenges with forthrightness, intelligence, compassion and wit, sustained by his ability to lose and then find himself again in art.

The True Meaning of Christmas Stories

Here in the northern hemisphere of the Americas, ’tis the season for watching televised reruns of our favorite Christmas movies. Why do we love them so much?  What is it that brings us back, again and again, to re-experience stories we’ve heard so many times?