

Does God Have a Gender?

When you make the two One, and when you make the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner, and the above as

What Does Mature Religion Look Like?

“Religion is supposed to teach us the way of love. Jesus even commanded it. Though I’m not sure that you really can order or demand

Do We Need Schools for Forty-Year-Olds?

“I write because… well, the best I can say for it is it’s a psychological quirk of mine developed in response to whatever personal failings

What Is the Source of Your Longing?

“Blessed be the longing that brought you here And quickens your soul with wonder. May you have the courage to listen to the voice of

Surrendering to the the Pull of Love

“The mountains are calling and I must go…” –John Muir “Are we there yet?” Fred smiled indulgently at me from the driver’s seat of the

Dialogue with the Self

Dear Friends: I’m at our beloved mountain home. I’ve been so busy restoring the newly remodeled kitchen that there’s been little time for much else.

Weeding Your Soul’s Garden

Your ego is a key player in your soul’s journey to wholeness. A strong and courageous ego aids your psycho-spiritual growth; a weak and fearful

Take This Coronavirus Status Check

The coronavirus pandemic has called forth some unsettling archetypal forces in all of us. In normal times we ignore most of them as we go

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