The Evolution of God-Images Part VII: An Outer Other God

As our bodies have a mysterious imperative to grow and develop physically, so our psyche has a mysterious compulsion to evolve. We don’t know what this is, we just know it is. Carl Jung thought of the psyche’s compulsion to evolve as the archetype of Divinity. He saw it as both the core and circumference […]

The Lover Archetype

You can learn about your Lover archetype from mythology. One Greek god in particular, Dionysus, exemplifies the Lover’s healthy and shadow aspects. Lover is a romantic with a soulful earthiness and an unabashed appreciation for life. He is the curious child who closely examines and fiddles with new gadgets. The playful child who lures his […]

Using Your Imagination to Care for Your Many Selves

“…the outer world and inner world are interdependent at every moment. We are simply the locus of their collision and whether we like it or not our life is what we are able to make of that collision…So what we need is a faculty that embraces both worlds simultaneously…” ~Ted Hughes, quoted in Lindsay Clarke, […]

A Special Invitation to Your Soul

“The Beloved we seek is the archetypal Self, our God-image that is a combination of all archetypes. As such, it is our portal to the Sacred.” This Saturday, June 12, I’ll present a free Zoom program for the Jung Association of Central Ohio called “The Partnership Profile: A Self-Assessment of Your Feminine and Masculine Archetypes.” The […]

The Soul’s Twins: A Video Interview

Last week Susan Scott, an author friend from South Africa, interviewed me about The Soul’s Twins. Most of you know Susan. She comments here often. She recorded our talk on video and posted it on her blog this week, so I’m re-posting it here for you to see. The video versions on her post below are small, […]

Are You Ready to Meet Your Soul’s Twins?

Okay. There’s so much to tell you that I hardly know where to begin. Do you remember me ever writing “I don’t think I have it in me to write another book?” after Healing the Sacred Divide was published in 2013?  I don’t remember if I actually wrote it in a post, but I certainly […]

Learning From Our Lady of the Beasts

“The Earth Mother is…the eternally fruitful source of everything…. Each separate being is a manifestation of her; all things share in her life through an eternal cycle of birth and rebirth….Her animals….embody the deity herself, defining her personality and exemplifying her power.”  Buffie Johnson, Our Lady of the Beasts, Inner Traditions The successful wielding of […]

Avatar and Cultural Transformation

This lush film eloquently depicts the transformation occurring in humanity’s heroic journey into wholeness and consciousness. It does so by contrasting an ego that succeeds by opening to otherness and change with one that fails because it refuses to grow.

Meeting the Mistress of the Forest

Once I read about a horse that lived in the same pasture for over 30 years, eating the same old tired grass, trying to find shade in the noonday heat under the same scrawny tree.

New Dreams About My Animus

My birthday dream depicts one reward of accepting my masculine side. My Easter dream says this work is not over. The presence of an audience suggests that my other inner characters are interested in my soul-making drama. It could also refer to an outer audience which is watching and helping. Both interpretations feel right to me.