Cruises, Birthdays, and Dreams

Dear friends, Last night we returned home from a two-week birthday cruise that took us from Lisbon to Barcelona by way of the Gibraltar Strait and up Spain’s east coast to Barcelona. It was an amazing journey with lots of new places and adventures, including a tour through the Dracht’s (Dragon’s) caves, and a camel […]

The Power of Inner Work: Three Questions

“We have all experienced the destructive effects of the projections onto the feminine in Western societies. These projections trace their origins to the joining of the patriarchy with institutionalized monotheism. The patriarchy grew out of the middle ages into the Age of Reason, and this movement birthed a cultural mentality that became rational, verbal, and […]

What Did the Greek Caryatids Carry?

This is a follow-up from last week’s post titled Caryatids: Images of the Queen Archetype.  Deborah wondered what the Caryatids on the Maiden Porch of the Greek temple on the Acropolis in Athens called the Erechtheum (or Erechtheion) might have been carrying in their hands. So I’ve just done some digging through my photographs taken […]

Caryatids: Images of the Queen Archetype

“The Queen is a mother impulse in all of us. She sits close to our Anima or archetype of the feminine. The Queen is the part of us that wants to see the people around us grow and flourish under our watchful gaze.” CG Jung Femininity is universally associated with beauty, softness, tenderness, receptivity, relationship, […]

Ego and God-Image: Part IX

“The crux of the matter is man’s own dualism, to which he knows no answer. This abyss has suddenly yawned open before him with the latest events in world history, after mankind lived for many centuries in the comfortable belief that a unitary God had created man in his own image, as a little unity. […]

Ego and God-Image: Part III

In the history of humankind the differentiation of man and woman belongs among the earliest and most impressive projections of opposites, and early humankind took the male and the female as the prototype of opposites in general.  Erich Neumann, The Origins and History of Consciousness So far in this series I’ve written about three qualities […]

Mandorla Consciousness: Part II

There is a time for everything. The dualism that gave rise to our evolving ego and developing Christ potential has become our worst enemy: the anti- Christ. And as long as we repress unwanted parts of ourselves and project them onto others—whether these be our compulsive instincts, dangerous emotions, or frightening aspects of our masculine and feminine sides—we will struggle through the darkness of confusion and the world will be a dangerous place.

Enlightenment in New Mexico

It is an honor to present today’s post, a review of my new book written by guest blogger, N.M. Freeman. It first appeared last week on her blog. Here’s the link. Natasha is the author of the award-nominated The Story of Q. (inspired by actual events). This book blew me away! You can read what I wrote about it in January of this year in a post titled Questioning Religion.

The 52nd Week: My Year-End Rituals

I love the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. It has always stood out from the other 51 weeks in a year like a peaceful Zen garden, a special oasis where I attend to soul needs that require annual closure.

Coming Home to Feminine Spirituality

I cannot overstate the importance of this dream. I knew “I” didn’t create it; it came from a profound source of wisdom deep within me. I think of this inner wisdom as Sophia, the Divine Mother.