Sacred Laws of the Psyche: The Third Force

“…the hermaphrodite has gradually turned into a subduer of conflicts and a bringer of healing, ….its power to unite opposites mediates between the unconscious substratum and the conscious mind. It throws a bridge between present-day consciousness, always in danger of losing its roots, and the natural, unconscious, instinctive wholeness of primeval times.” ~ Carl Jung; […]

Sacred Laws of Psyche: The Law of Entropy

We know that the mask of the unconscious is not rigid—it reflects the face we turn towards it. Hostility lends it a threatening aspect, friendliness softens its features. Carl Jung. Psychology and Alchemy, CW 12, par. 29. For not knowing about the unconsciousness means that one has deviated, one is not in harmony with it, […]

The Sacred Law of Correspondence: Who Am I?

 “The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn The Sacred Law of Correspondence says that that the outer universe is a reflection of the realities of our inner universe. As I wrote in a previous post, this means that if we believe in a spiritual reality “up there” […]

The Sacred Law of Correspondence

The first sacred law of psyche, the Law of Correspondence,  says that the outer universe is a reflection of the realities of our inner universe. This intuition gave rise to the ancient adages, “As above, so below,” and “As without, so within.” Humanity has expressed this relationship in diverse symbol systems like mythology, religion, tarot, alchemy, […]

Whispering Symbols: Dot and Circle

Both logos and mythos contribute to our spiritual development. Children use mythos thinking automatically. This is why they respond to life with spontaneity, enthusiasm, joy and wonder. But once the “masculine” phase of external striving begins, logos and the ego tend to dominate our thinking and spirituality and life begins to lose its savor.

The Feminine Symbolism of Vessels

Vessels accept, contain, protect and preserve the birth/death/rebirth cycle of life at both the physical and metaphysical levels. Our planet Earth is a living vessel whose life cycles mirror the soul-making processes of psychological and spiritual transformation.

Love that Is Willing to Roar

I was raised to be nice, to avoid anger and not act in anger. To behave with kindness and love. I still believe this. But I’ve seen and suffered the damage one can do to oneself and others by being too passive and pleasing. I don’t want to be like that any more. I don’t […]

Exploring the Rabbit Holes of My Psyche

It’s Tuesday, the day on which I’ve published a new blog post almost every week for the last 12 years. Something in me has changed and I want to be present to it. As I approach the eighth decade of my life I want to learn the lessons it wants to teach me. And I […]

The Evolution of God-Images Part VIII: A God of Integrated Consciousness

“Man started from an unconscious state and has ever striven for greater consciousness. The development of consciousness is the burden, the suffering and the blessing of mankind.” ~Men, Women, and God” (1955), C. G Jung Speaking, p. 248. “Man knows only a small part of his psyche, just as he has only a very limited […]