

The Ten Best Things About Turning 70

April’s my favorite month in Florida. Actually it’s my favorite month anywhere because it feels like my very own special month. I was born on April 23 in 1943, a year when the 23rd was on Good Friday. I always felt proud of being born on Good Friday as if it meant I was good and would be rewarded with a comfortable life. Now of course I recognize a universal, less auspicious significance to this day.

Animal Medicine: Developing Body Awareness

When it comes to body awareness, my horse Shadow was a genius. In this respect, he was the opposite of my conscious, cerebral self, which tends to be so inner directed and one-track minded that I can be oblivious to what’s going on in my body and the world around me. Have you ever known someone who can be feeling vaguely uncomfortable for hours before realizing she’s cold, or hungry, or has a headache? Or who can be standing directly in front of the object she’s looking for and simply not see it? That’s me. Or it was me before Shadow.

Learning From Our Lady of the Beasts

The successful wielding of power to enhance our soul’s development is a primary concern of the feminine archetypes. For them, power is not about controlling otherness, but about loving and learning from otherness so that our souls are empowered to become what they were created to be. If this is to happen, our energies need to be redirected away from pursuits aimed at acquiring external, historical power toward those that bring internal, natural power.

Blog Tour for Friday, April 12, 2013

I can’t believe it’s already the last day of my blog tour.  I had such a great time preparing these posts and responding to comments. 

Blog Tour for Thursday, April 11, 2013

Welcome to the fourth day of my blog tour. So far it’s been a very interesting experience. We’ve had an especially stimulating conversation on Feminism and Religion, with many different viewpoints expressed and I’ve learned a lot about the kinds of issues that the women there are concerned about. If you haven’t read it yet, you can scroll down to Tuesday’s update.

Blog Tour for Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Here we are on the third day of my 5-day blog tour. For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m foregoing my usual twice-weekly posts to concentrate on five appearances at five different blogs this week. Each virtual “appearance” (in the form of a written post) has been tailored to the theme and audience of the site on which it appears. Here at Matrignosis I’m publishing a brief update every day to let you know where that day’s blog tour post can be found.

Blog Tour for Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Today, Tuesday, April 9, 2013, I’ll be a guest blogger at Feminism and Religion, hosted by Rosemary Radford Ruether, Ph.D. The title of my post is Incarnating the Mystery with Psychological Awareness. Click here for the link.

My Blog Tour

I’m doing something different on Matrignosis this week. For the last few weeks I’ve been preparing guest posts for five different blogs for a week-long virtual blog tour. One new post will appear on a different blog each day starting today. I’ve not been apprised of the scheduled publishing time for each post, but assume they’ll all come out within a few hours after midnight (Eastern Standard Time) and last at least until midnight the next day. Some of them may remain on the sites for several days before being replaced.

Loving Yourself Through the Seasons of Your Life

For half my life I’ve struggled to break free of gender stereotypes; travel comfortably in my own space between mountain and air, matter and spirit; and write about my journey to heal my sacred divides. And now that I’m about to receive a wonderful acknowledgement of my life’s work, I’m possessed by a teen-aged girl whose trepidations about the prom have conjured up a scenario of potential disaster! Seriously?

Feasting at Women's Tables

Since I left my job to write in 1989 I’ve always been part of at least one women’s circle with sometimes as many as four ongoing groups at the same time. My Jungian study group was formed in 1989 and our weekly meetings lasted for ten years. The Purple Pro’s, my writing group, has met monthly since 1990 and usually shared home-cooked lunches. This year is the first we haven’t had a meeting because of changes in our lives that make it too difficult.

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