Blog Tour for Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Here we are on the third day of my 5-day blog tour.  For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m foregoing my usual twice-weekly posts to concentrate on five appearances at five different blogs this week. You’ll be notified of each  virtual”appearance” (in the form of a written post has been tailored to the theme and audience of the site on which it appears) here at Matrignosis with a brief daily update to let you know where that day’s blog tour post can be found.  If you want to visit the first two posts of the tour, just scroll down here to see my explanatory updates from yesterday and the day before. They contain the links to the sites.
The first update was on Monday, April 8.  It also contains information about a giveaway I’m featuring on my website. All you have to do is register and you may be one of the three random choices that will be made at the end of the week. The selections will be made by forces beyond my control! The giveaway is operated by software that my webmaster installed and I haven’t the slightest idea how it works!  You can click here to check it out.
Today, Wednesday, April 10, 2013, I’ll be a guest blogger at Depth Psychology List which is hosted by Bonnie Bright.  The title of my post is Tending the Creative FireClick here for the link.  Here’s the address in case there’s a glitch in the system and you can’t find it:
I hope you enjoyed my guest post at Feminism and Religion yesterday.  If you haven’t stopped by yet, you can still see it by going back a day in the archives.  The title is Incarnating the Mystery with Psychological Awareness.  We had some really interesting discussions you might enjoy.
Many thanks to those of you who’ve been following along and commenting.  I appreciate your support!  Until tomorrow…..
P.S.  I was just alerted to more pictures from the Wilbur Award banquet. You can see them here if you care to.

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