Sacred Laws Of Psyche: The Connection Between Psyche and Psychoid

A few years back I wrote a post about eight sacred laws of the psyche and how our lack of understanding of them is responsible for the mess our world is in today.  In this post and a few to follow, I’d like to explore these laws more deeply in the hope of raising awareness […]

What Is God?

How can human beings possibly know the nature of God? We can’t, of course. Yet ever since our species realized we were alive and part of a vast living Mystery, we’ve been trying. And whether we’re religious or not, most of us have some ideas about this Mystery. It seems to me we look at God from three major perspectives.

The Mediatrix Archetype in Dreams

It is your Mediatrix who wants to understand and learn from your dreams, and when the time is right, she will show up to provide guidance. Occasionally, her appearance can have the life-changing impact of a mysterious supernatural experience, but more often it’s very subtle, so you will have to be on the watch for her.

Musings From My Cave

The book is coming along—slowly, often joyfully, sometimes painfully. This is hard work, yet it really is the only kind of work I’m good for.

The Shape of Water: The Shape of Change?

Fortunately, there are prophets among us to show us the way. They are the courageous and gifted artists who create books and films depicting ordinary people who evolve into heroic individuals. The Star Wars series, Avatar, Arrival, and The Shape of Water are examples.

What Do Our Relationships Have to Do with Our Spirituality?

I believe with my whole being that it is possible for partners in any couple relationship to relate in such a way that the creative instinct within each is activated. This enriches both their individual selves and their relationship such that each partner creates an original work of art of his/her own soul as well as of the relationship itself.

Time Out

I love being outdoors at night. The fresh cool breeze off the nearby lake. The quiet. The open space. The peace. No people to talk to. No cars to avoid.

Dreams As Spiritual Guides

Until I discovered dreamwork, no books or scriptures, no religious beliefs or sacrifices or regular church attendance, none of my ego’s hard work or good behavior, no well-intentioned thoughts or knowledge or cleverness, no psychological expert or religious authority—nothing in my life had any lasting transforming or healing power for me. But this dream from the Self did.

A New Idea of Who We Are: Part I

“Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. We need to explore new ideas of who we are.” This inspires me to ask two questions: What might a new idea of who we are look like? And, what difference could a new idea make to our world crisis?

What Wants to Be Born?

Where does all this new life come from? Well, that’s the Big Question isn’t it? The Mystery that’s always confounded us, the one we have yet to solve. We’ve always reflected on it, and when we’re deep in reverie, opening our minds and suspending our judgment, images rise into our awareness.