Ego and God-Image: Part VI

[T]he most important relationship of childhood, the relation to the mother, will be compensated by the mother archetype as soon as detachment from the childhood state is indicated. One such successful interpretation has been, for instance, Mother Church, but once this focus begins to show signs of age and decay, a new interpretation becomes inevitable. […]

Ego and God-Image: Part V

For a contented ego, all things big and small matter only with regard to their impact on me and whatever it is that matters to me . . . The God-Satan duality exists within our own being where there is a constant conversation going on between Self and ego,  between what lies in the shadow […]

The Sacred Law of Correspondence: Who Am I?

 “The battleline between good and evil runs through the heart of every man.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn The Sacred Law of Correspondence says that that the outer universe is a reflection of the realities of our inner universe. As I wrote in a previous post, this means that if we believe in a spiritual reality “up there” […]

Love that Is Willing to Roar

I was raised to be nice, to avoid anger and not act in anger. To behave with kindness and love. I still believe this. But I’ve seen and suffered the damage one can do to oneself and others by being too passive and pleasing. I don’t want to be like that any more. I don’t […]

The Evolution of God-Images Part VI: A Conventionally Moral God

It is, however, true that much of the evil in the world comes from the fact that man in general is hopelessly unconscious, as it is also true that with increasing insight we can combat this evil at its source in ourselves, in the same way that science enables us to deal effectively with injuries […]

It’s Time to Bring Out the Silver

“The word ‘feminine,’ as I understand it, has very little to do with gender, nor is woman the custodian of femininity. Both men and women are searching for their pregnant virgin. She is the part of us who is outcast, the part who comes to consciousness through going into darkness, mining our leaden darkness, until […]

Coming Home to your True, Pure Soul

My last two posts here and here, sparked a rich conversation with Deborah Gregory, a psychotherapist and poet who’s learning more about her masculine archetypes from the Partnership Profile in The Soul’s Twins. She wrote: “Hmm, so now I’ve woken up to these insights and find myself in a similar place … having to reclaim the […]

Archetypes: Your Guides to Your Authentic Self. Part II

The last post shared the first part of my article, “Archetypes: Your Guides to Your Authentic Self,” featured in the spring issue of ‘Inspired” magazine. You can read the whole magazine here. That post ended with a discussion of how your personal experiences with your human mother and father influenced your attitudes toward the universal […]

When Is a Saint a Saint?

Christ…was a religious innovator who opposed the traditional religion of his time and his people…That is why he experienced the transcendent function, whereas a Christian saint could never experience it, since for him no fundamental and total change of attitude would be involved. Carl Jung, Letter to M. Zarine, 3 May 1939, Letters, Vol. 2, […]

Is Nothing Sacred Any More? Where is Your Temple?

“We are still looking back to the pentecostal events in a dazed way instead of looking forward to the goal the Spirit is leading us to. Therefore mankind is wholly unprepared for the things to come. Man is compelled by divine forces to go forward to increasing consciousness and cognition, developing further and further away […]