Your Choice

It’s the eve of the election. This dream arrived the night before last. #4984: The Little Boy Doesn’t Want to Learn I’m in a new place – it feels like a room in a children’s school — with a few other very likable men and women. We are making packets of information for the children. […]

Good News, Bad News

  “Love is the fundamental energy of evolution….Our challenge today is to trust the power of love at the heart of life, to let ourselves be seized by love, to create and invent ways for love to evolve into a global wholeness of unity, compassion, justice and peacemaking. As a process of evolution, the universe […]

Because the Earth Has a Lot to Tell us

Last time I told you about the documentary I was interviewed for while in San Francisco. A few days ago Jeff Williams, the producer, sent out this newsletter. He’s also a geologist, and the subject of the documentary.

When Women Tell The Truth: #MeToo

Some of my posts come from the heart, some from the head. This one comes from the gut. It’s difficult to write because I’m swamped with strong emotions I don’t quite know how to express. So I’ll simply tell you the truth.

Three Billboards: The Myth and the Message

Dark, quirky, clever, and controversial, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri has been nominated for seven academy awards this year. Like “The Shape of Water,” nominated for a whopping 13, its protagonist is a powerless, justice-seeking female up against an unsympathetic patriarchal system.

The Couple: A New God-Image

Humanity is evolving and here, in our time, our collective God-image is undergoing a dramatic transformation. We are imagining God as something far more balanced and complex than a superior masculine authority who is fascinated by the feminine other while remaining aloof from her.

The Next Step

How am I going to respond to a situation that feels like a terrible threat to our country and world? How can I be sure that what I say or do will be helpful and not harmful?

Two Ways To 'Tell It Like It Is'

Since the presidential election I’ve had a few dreams, experiences, and conversations that heightened my awareness of an issue I’d like to address for the same reasons. I’m talking about the recent spate of angry outpourings from people who have been bottling up attitudes and feelings for years and have suddenly decided to “tell it like it is.”

In What Can We Trust?

Last night I had two dreams, my first since the presidential election. They were helpful, and I hope they might be helpful to some of you.

Message To America From a White Horse

Never have I ever felt so disillusioned about America. The constant reminders of our collective shadow have been monumentally toxic and I’m sick of it. But I didn’t realize how sick until I dreamed of a white horse last week.