

What Is God?

How can human beings possibly know the nature of God? We can’t, of course. Yet ever since our species realized we were alive and part of a vast living Mystery, we’ve been trying. And whether we’re religious or not, most of us have some ideas about this Mystery. It seems to me we look at God from three major perspectives.

Aging and Becoming

Aging and Becoming is not a work to rush through. It is contemplative reading, packed with thoughts to savor slowly, like a leisurely conversation over coffee with a beloved friend. It will activate your ego’s awareness of your soul’s natural condition: an appreciation for wonder, mystery, and curiosity, and a natural knowing of the rich meaning and potential of your life.

The Abolitionist's Daughter

I would have liked to meet Emily, the outspoken daughter of a wise and justice-seeking judge who wanted to abolish slavery and saw to it that the ones he owned were taught to read. Paradox? Yes. Hypocritical? Perhaps. But also a harsh reality in a place and time governed by laws that protected the institution of slavery.

The Mediatrix Archetype in Dreams

It is your Mediatrix who wants to understand and learn from your dreams, and when the time is right, she will show up to provide guidance. Occasionally, her appearance can have the life-changing impact of a mysterious supernatural experience, but more often it’s very subtle, so you will have to be on the watch for her.

Identifying and Working with Archetypes in Your Dreams

With our preference for the conscious ego’s rational processes above all our other functions, western culture tends to devalue the psyche’s natural, intuitive, imaginative processes. This split between the rational mind and nature created the seriously dysfunctional attitudes and practices which have brought us to the brink of destruction.

Dreams: Your Personal Treasure Trove

My dreams are my personal treasure trove. They have known me better and guided me more surely toward my true gifts than any human seer or counselor could possibly do. They have been wiser than any teacher, more valuable than material possessions, more constant than any friend, more affirming of what’s true and important to me than any compliment, mirrored reflection, or admiring glance I’ve ever received.

How to Survive Your Childhood Now That You're An Adult

Do you ever ask yourself, “Is this all there is?”  Have you played by the rules and done your best, yet wonder why you’re not as happy and fulfilled as you expected to be?  If so, How To Survive Your Childhood Now That You’re an Adult: A Path to Authenticity and Awakening is a book you’ll want to read.

Colors in Dreams

Have you ever had a dream in which a color stood out so strongly that it somehow felt important?  Robert J. Hoss, author and host of a great newly designed website called DreamScience, says that’s because it is. A former scientist and applied researcher, Bob  retired early to devote his science and management skills to dream studies.

Dysfunctional God-Images in a Broken World

New Years greetings to all. These are certainly interesting times, aren’t they? Technology is taking over our lives. Predictable behaviors and expectations of governments, the

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