In gratitude for my freedom and in the belief that every human being is entitled to equal rights, I dedicate this non-partisan Election Day post to my American grandmothers who made it possible for me to vote. These women were social leaders who embodied the authority of the Queen archetype. They were Mothers who were determined to create a better world for their children. They were Wisewomen who listened to themselves and spoke their truths. And they were Beloveds who knew their own beauty and worth and risked the wrath of the one-sided conventional thinking of their time to demonstrate it to the world. These videos show us what Female Spirit Warriors look like. May their numbers grow.
A Matter of Heart
“. . . when our left and right brain work in harmony, we begin to access our deeper Self and feel its guidance and support.
0 Responses
Thank you Jeanie, May we all be grounded in the spirit of the Divine Feminine as we speak and act from this place.
I’ll second that, Tallulah! Thanks. Jeanie
Wow, that Bad Romance one is the strangest thing I’ve seen in a long time.
Isn’t it? That Lady Gaga is a piece of work! It felt important to include her video here, I think partly because it stirs up your emotions, good or bad, and makes you think. It sticks with you in a way many others don’t…I suspect because it’s a more artistic, cutting edge take on the topic. I don’t follow her work or career or know much about her, but I’ve seen a few of her televised performances and they’re always a bit disturbing in some way. This feels important to me. Like her or not, this intense, intelligent, ambitious, creative and talented woman who insists on being herself and pushing the envelope is touching archetypal levels in us that go deeper than convention, and I think it’s in our best interest to be more aware of these levels lest we grow numb, dry, and one-sided in our thinking and living.
Thanks for your always honest and relevant comments here, Rachel!
I agree that the video was disturbing, but I found the movie even more so! I was left with a new appreciation for what I’ve taken for granted all my life – my right to vote. Thanks for reminding me, once again, of the importance of standing up for what I believe is right. ps my vote is already in!
You’re so welcome. We do need to be careful about becoming complacent, don’t we? The way of life you and I have is a remarkable gift; it seems to me I should be filled with gratitude every moment of every day!! My vote’s in too!
After Lady Gaga made me cry, I was scared to watch the others. But there’s so much in that one that’s interesting. Yes, she does play with archetypes. But I also was stuck by the juxtaposition of early-20th century dress with contemporary dance styles. What on earth would Alice Paul think? Is this a comment on how far we’ve come? Or is it just some iconography cut and pasted onto a pop formula? With her, I can never tell. Does it matter?
Although I expect Alice Paul would be shocked by this video, I don’t think she’d be overly worried about the attention-getting pop formulas rife in today’s media. I like to think she’d be blown away by the freedom women have to be themselves today. My answer to your question is that this Lady Gaga video shows us the best and the worst in us, and it’s probably a good thing to be exposed to both sides as long as we are media-literate enough to recognize when we are being manipulated. Living in the paradox, Jeanie
Thank you, Jeanie, for bringing my attention to the power of the Feminine and the hardships others have endured for my sake.
You’re welcome, Elaine. It’s good to remember this, I think, lest we take our extraordinary hard-won freedoms for granted.