An Update


I’ve prepared and saved a new blog post for today, but my WordPress account has some glitches. For some unknown reason, parts of it aren’t working any more. For example, I can’t separate paragraphs by a space. I’ve updated the entire account, but that didn’t solve the problem. I can’t get any tech support, so until I figure this out, I’m going to have to go on a forced hiatus. When my new post publishes properly, I’ll get back to my usual routine. I’m so sorry.  Stay safe and be well.  Love, Jeanie

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10 Responses

  1. In the wise and timely words of Rumi … “Be quiet. Find acquaintances with silence. Go inside, delve into your heart. Take a day off from the clamor.” Love and light, Deborah.

  2. I am sure you do this, however; I will say it anyway: Now it’s your turn to take this time to relax and really enjoy the mountains, with all it has to offer. Be well……..

    1. Yes, you’re right. I have been letting myself relax and it’s been very restorative. It’s so gorgeous and comfortable here. Thanks for the good thoughts. Love, Jeanie

  3. Seems that the objective messages telling you to rest and recuperate are continuous–and here’s another. I’m glad it’s only the computer and not your body. A time to breathe and walk and restore. Who knows what the Soul is doing or where it’s leading you? Warmly, Elaine

    1. Yes, thank you for that reminder, Elaine. I’m getting the message. Working on it …. Who knows what the Soul is doing or where it’s leading me, indeed? Love, Jeanie

  4. Technology software is my nemesis too.
    I have a block about the block editor that replaces the classic editor in WordPress. My last post did not turn out as I wanted. Now I’m nervous about posting anything.

    Today I searched for ‘solved problems’ in the WordPress forum & found the links below from last May. If I read the instructions ten times over I might yet grok it 🙂

    … We have tips for transitioning from the classic editor to blocks and FAQs:

    And, if you really want to use something like the classic editor, we recommend sticking with the classic block:
    We also have some extensive documentation available at

    It’s information overload. Here is the specific page I found the above links on
    We don’t need all the clever new design tricks, Just simple ones will do.
    Good luck, Jean ☼

  5. Thank you for your kindness, Ashen. This is very helpful, not just to me, but to the many others who come here who’ve been struggling with the new editor. I’m still using the classic editor and I really want to stick with it so it’s good to know I can do that. I’ve been afraid they were going to force me to change.

    Information overload is right. Just simple tricks will do. My web manager helped me figure out the problems I’ve been having lately and I hope to get a post out tomorrow! Jeanie

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