An Announcement and a Request


I am honored to have been nominated by my publisher, Red Feather MBS, for a 2021 COVR-Award. Red Feather MBS is the Mind, Body, Spirit imprint of Schiffer Books and COVR is the Coalition of Visionary Resources, a non-profit trade organization established in 1996 that facilitates and supports business in the Mind Body Spirit industry.  Each year COVR gives Visionary Awards to the best new products, media, jewelry, music and books in the Mind, Body, Spirit marketplace.

The Soul’s Twins: Emancipate Your Feminine and Masculine Archetypes has been nominated for the best book in the category of Contemporary Spirituality. I am asking each of you to consider voting for my book. This will take no more than 5-10 minutes and I would be grateful for your support.

To vote, click on this link. This will take you to the COVR Visionary Awards Public Voting page where you will be asked to complete your ballot. Please note, all of the categories and nominees are listed here and they request you go through each category and select one answer. There may be categories where you are unfamiliar with the products and please select the option: None of the above. The book categories are about halfway through the survey and my book is in the category of Contemporary Spirituality. You must complete the entire survey for your vote to be tallied. I would be most grateful for your vote. You can only vote once and voting ends April 30.

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8 Responses

    1. I can’t figure out how to do hearts on wordpress, Jimmy! But thank you. I love you too. 🙂

  1. Wow! This was great. Finally I got off the dime and assisted. Plus I had 44 screen shots of titles which I saved. Thanks ! and How cool to be nominated! Congratulations!

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