It's Official!


I’m absolutely delighted to announce that It’s official! There will be a another book! Here’s the press release that Jill Swenson, my book developer, sent to Publisher’s Marketplace where it appeared this morning:

Congratulations to Jean Benedict Raffa who has signed a contract for a new book with Schiffer Publishing. The Soul’s Twins offers a self-guided journey to wholeness and enlightenment by transcending masculine-feminine oppositions. Drawing on archetypes rooted in wisdom traditions from world religions, Raffa offers a reference guide and spiritual road map to become your whole authentic self by integrating the full potential of your soul’s twins. Heal your conflicts, create more loving relationships, and grow into psychological and spiritual maturity.

Jean Benedict Raffa is the author of The Bridge to Wholeness: A Feminine Alternative to the Hero Myth, Dream Theatres of the Soul: Empowering the Feminine through Jungian Dreamwork, and Healing the Sacred Divide: Making Peace with Ourselves, Each Other, and the World, which received the 2013 Wilbur Award from the Religion Communicators Council for excellence in communicating religious faith and values in the public arena and for encouraging understanding among faith groups on a national level.

I couldn’t be more honored that to have Schiffer as my next publisher. They are an old and highly respected independent publisher with a large list of books and a wide, diverse audience. I’m especially impressed with the high quality of their books: the beautifully reproduced images, excellent paper, and coffee-table worthy formats and designs.

This book is far from finished and we have not established a publication date yet. Once I’ve completed the writing, there will still be much to be done. I’m afraid I’ll be obsessed with it for at least a year and a half, so although I’ll be visiting my sites from time to time, you’re not likely to see much of me on social media.

Just know that I am here and happy and well, and that I’ll be checking in with you from time to time. And if you don’t hear from me for a while, don’t forget to think psychologically and live spiritually.

Jean Raffa’s The Bridge to Wholeness and Dream Theatres of the Soul are at Amazon. E-book versions are also at KoboBarnes And Noble and Smashwords. Healing the Sacred Divide can be found at Amazon and Larson Publications, Inc.

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35 Responses

  1. Wow! Congratulations Jeanie ! Looking forward to being guided further by your beautiful outpourings into the realms of the mysterium coniunctionis … so exciting.

    1. Thank you, Richard. I so appreciate your support and enthusiasm. It is exciting. I’m hoping this book will be the clearest and most succinct guide into this adventure yet…..

  2. CONGRATULATIONS ???? WHAT EXCITING NEWS! Look forward to it.
    Sent from my iPhone

    1. Thank you, Diane! I look forward to hearing what’s happening with your book….I think I’ve missed out on some news from that front! See you soon.

  3. Congratulations Jeannie! Wonderful, well deserved news on a very important topic.
    Admiringly, Sally > ,

  4. Such excellent news, Jeanie. I agree you are one amazing wise woman–and our world needs your wisdom. Thank you for working so hard.

  5. Yay! My long note here disappeared, but you know how thrilled I am, Jeanie! Wonderful news! Congratulations!
    Much love,

  6. Jeanie! I am so thrilled! It will be on bookshelf…after I read it…for sure. I will buy a copy and, hopefully, get it signed when I’m in Florida this fall…depending on your schedule, of course.
    Much love,

  7. This sounds like such an exciting book! I’ll be “holding you in the Light” (Quaker-style prayer) as you complete the writing and create this magical gift to the world, Jean. Looking forward to it when it comes out!

  8. Congratulations from Australia – as winter approaches here.
    May the light and warmth of summer support you through these next months. And then may autumn and winter continue to invite you deeper and deeper into the Within.
    In New Zealand ‘Kia Kaha’ is a blessing. It loosely translates as ‘Stay strong’. Kia Kaha, Jean.

    1. Oh, I love that blessing! I’ll keep it in mind as I write….I think I may need to get a fountain pen! That would give me time to pause and listen to the words from my heart, wouldn’t it? Thank you, Susan

  9. Huge congratulations Jeanie! Your book is now at the top of my cosmic order list! Like Brian, I can hardly wait, but I will … beyond excitement! Your energy and excitement inspires me to put my own “Animus Diet” into book form! Oh my Goddess, keep stirring Her pot and long may your knowing dreams, visions and intuitions continue to guide you along the way! In soul, Deborah.

    1. Thank you, dear Deborah. I’m delighted to hear you’re thinking about putting your
      “Animus Diet” experience in a book. It’s such a fabulous, original idea, and sure to inspire countless women. I’m so enjoying your companionship on this exciting journey toward the re-awakened feminine! Blessings to you for your wonderful work.

  10. So delighted and proud of you. Congratulations many times over??????!
    Sent from my iPhone

    1. Thank you, Que. It’s exciting, and frankly, a bit intimidating. There’s so much to do and I’m a slow writer. I’ll be needing to spend a lot more time in my cave! (Of course, I love it in there!)

    1. I appreciate your ongoing support and confidence in me! It’ll be a while before it’s out, so I hope you find it worth the wait!

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