Healing the Sacred Divide: A Video Interview


A few weeks ago, Susanne Van Doorn, a blogger from the Netherlands, interviewed me on Skype. The subject of our talk was my newest book, Healing the Sacred Divide. After her husband did a bit of editing, she posted it last weekend while I was in Virginia Beach.

Susanne wanted to know things like, “What does the title mean?” and “Would you tell us about the Big Dream that got you interested in dreamwork?,” “Why are there 9 gifts of an integrated God-image,” and “Why did you write the Cosmic Dialogues between God and Goddess?”

I really enjoyed doing this interview and am pleased with the results.  It was fun having a conversation about things I love with someone who’s as interested in them as I am. Much as I love to write, when you’re writing you’re all alone and you don’t get the give and take, the immediate feedback, the nod or smile or question that can trigger new insights and inspire new thoughts.  That’s why writing a blog is the next best thing:  because sometimes you make comments, and getting your feedback is my reward for having done the initial writing.

I posted the link to this at the end of last week’s post, but some of you might have missed it.  Plus, I haven’t had much spare time to do any writing lately. I’ve had a crazy busy week in which we returned to Orlando from Virginia Beach, had a visit from my dearest friend and her husband for two fun days, packed and moved to our summer home in the mountains, enjoyed my granddaughters and granddog who came with us,  and put out about a dozen metaphorical fires in the house and property, including computer problems. So I’ve decided to post it again.

I hope you enjoy it.

Jean Raffa’s The Bridge to Wholeness and Dream Theatres of the Soul are at Amazon. E-book versions are also at KoboBarnes And Noble and Smashwords. Healing the Sacred Divide can be found at Amazon and Larson Publications, Inc.

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0 Responses

    1. Thank you, Susan. Reading another person’s words is a wonderful way of connecting with like-minded souls, but to my mind, nothing can beat actually seeing and hearing them talk. Do you have anything like this you could share with your followers? If so, I’d love to see it! Blessings, Jeanie.

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