Two weeks ago I wrote about a very damaging manifestation of the feminine principle sometimes called the Death Mother or Evil Queen. Often clothed in black, this force in us represents parts of our feminine sides that have been so devalued, wounded and abused by patriarchal excesses that they are repressed into the dark, unconscious regions of our psyches. There they become twisted, cold, vengeful and self-destructive.
In this post I want to bring some balance to our understanding of the feminine principle by addressing some of its positive qualities. But first, a few relevant words about alchemy and Greek mythology.
Dismissed by some left-brained literalists as pseudo-science, alchemy was, in fact, like mythology, a profoundly wise symbol system that sought to heal humanity’s dangerous tendency toward obsessive one-sidedness. Employing both languages of the brain, logic and imagination, its practitioners described their work as a lengthy process of refining and uniting the King (the masculine principle symbolized by the fiery gold light of the sun), and the Queen (the feminine principle represented by the silvery watery light of the moon) in a Sacred Marriage.
The result of their union was the creation of a rare and precious form of new life called the Philosopher’s Stone. This symbolized the fullest and maturest wisdom and consciousness of which humanity is capable. Unfortunately, we are still so far from this goal that it would be laughable were it not so depressing.
In ancient Greece the feminine principle was celebrated in three aspects of Goddess. These can be represented by colors. The Maiden (green), Mother (red), and Crone (gray or black), represented the mysterious circle of life–birth, maturity, death and regeneration–celebrated in Lunar Mythology. These were the dominant themes of humanity’s spirituality until the sun god’s Solar Mythology about the battle between good and evil replaced it. Today, many students of psychology, anthropology, religion, spirituality, myth and alchemy personify a missing fourth aspect between the Mother and Crone as the fully empowered Queen. I associate her with the color silver.
In the outer world of work, the Silver Queen is the most visible manifestation of healthy feminine authority. We see her in socially aware leaders and authorities of all kinds; for example, enterprising founders of innovative business practices that weaken the stranglehold of one-sided logic and linearity, or bold and balanced, firm and fair champions of healthy change in any group, movement, or organization.
Individuals (male or female) with well-developed Queen energy can be effective within the confines of the kingly Solar Mythology that still dominates our culture. However, they do not imitate, limit themselves to, or promote obsessively one-sided patriarchal values. Instead, they consistently facilitate the re-emergence of the Silver Queen’s Lunar Mythology.
My description of her values and way of being in the world is based on Jung’s observation, borne out in traditional literature throughout history, that the feminine foundation of the psyche–aka Sophia, Anima or Soul–is the source of our nourishing and transforming energies. It is only when we disown these energies that she turns her dark face to us in the form of Death Mother.
As Carer, she is there for her true self and others: she feels, gives, listens, encourages, intuits, confronts, affirms. When necessary and appropriate, she sacrifices.
As Container she holds and tolerates tension, conflicts, suffering, uncertainty and change without breaking or giving up.
As Connecter she mentors, guides and networks with other people and respects other perspectives.
As Communicator she speaks her truths, listens to others’ truths, and seeks to integrate otherness.
As Cooperator she shares her knowledge and authority without greed, prejudice, envy, abuse, or expectation of reward.
As Changer she trusts the transformative process and flows with evolutionary energy.

0 Responses
Reblogged this on lampmagician and commented:
Excellent! Thanks ♡
And thank you, lamp magician for your support. So glad you liked it.
Thanks Jeanie, this is lovely. The 6 C’s along with the Crone makes it 7 a prime number.
I guess the archetypal Death Mother gives us the impetus to transform her by acknowledging her and bringing her out of her darkness, with Courage as companion in this difficult task?
Aha! I see you are a sister symbolic thinker! (As if I didn’t already know that….:-)) Colors, prime numbers, recurring letters, they all carry such rich meaning don’t they? And it’s so satisfying to see these subtle connections. Yes, Courage. Always that. Perhaps it brings the most richness of all. Without it, we wouldn’t even be taking this inner adventure.
Thank you, Jean! A wonderful and much needed article. Aloha.
Thank you, Fran. I appreciate your taking the time to let me know you liked it.
I love where you place the Silver Queen in the Feminine Trinity. Yes, there is something between Mother and Crone for many women. You are a wonderful Priestess and Devotee of the Silver Queen Archetype from the work you do to your regal appearance. Thank you.
Thank you, Elaine.
I like the idea of the fully empowered Queen. I am 58 years old. I was wondering about this, since I am a Mother to adult children, yet don’t feel as though I qualify for Crone. I am working on the wisdom part. Also I am known as “The Celticqueen”. On February 2nd of this year my youngest daughter, 24 years old, was shot and killed by a man who would not take NO for an answer. He has been convicted and will be sentenced this Friday, September 30th. I will have my Celticqueen armor on for this since I need to remind myself of my strength and courage. Caroline was my Artemis.
Oh, my dear. I am so terribly sorry for your tragic loss. May you carry the profound awareness of the strength, authority and compassion of your inner Queen as you face this ordeal. With blessings and deepest sympathy, Jeanie