I'm Not Going Anywhere


As some of you know, at the suggestion of my new webmaster we were planning to move Matrignosis to my new site at www.jeanraffa.com last week.  However, because of unforeseen issues that would compromise the enjoyment I’ve found here over the past three years, I’m happy to let you know I’m not going anywhere.  Those of you who subscribe will continue to be notified by e-mail of each new post, and the format will remain the same.
But there’s good news for those who don’t subscribe or find it difficult to remember this address. You can access Matrignosis by going directly to www.jeanraffa.com where a click of a Blog button will bring you here. And there’s a blog feed on the home page that lists the titles and dates of my last ten posts. Clicking on these will also bring you back to our leafy forest clearing.
My new site also has several pages you might enjoy exploring, like recorded interviews, information about events, and a section on archetypes.  And before long there’ll be news about a blog tour I’ll be doing in April that will feature some giveaways. Hint: the readers among you will especially enjoy them!
My sincere thanks to all of you for visiting and contributing to Matrignosis.  Not only am I not going anywhere;  I’m planning to be here for a long time.
See you tomorrow at the usual place and time.

Join 5,844 other subscribers


14 Responses

  1. I find this blog much more visually appealing than your other site. I had the same theme for my blog, but recently changed themes to one that is more compatible with small screens (smart phones), but still found one that is minimal and pleasant to look at. I was really disappointed when I thought you might be moving! Wherever you are, I just think a clean, simple design will display your writing much better.

  2. Perfect solution. Maddening sometimes that those wise solutions come rolling in a bit behind our deadline demands. Keeps us on our toes. I love your new website.
    Warmly, Elaine

    1. Yes, I think it’s the perfect solution too. And you’re right about the timing. I want to keep growing and this sort of thing always motivates it! Thanks. Jeanie

  3. Wonderful news. But, you know we faithful readers would follow you wherever you went, don’t you? Just saying……

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