Dear friends,
Thanks so much for the interest you’ve shown in my latest topic of gender issues and wounds. I’ve been enjoying your comments enormously and they’ve triggered a lot of thoughts. I’m looking forward to sharing them with you.
I expected to be publishing the next post in that series on Friday the 15th, but that will have to wait a day or two. I’ve been working with a web designer to create a new site and we had planned to move my blog to it this week—I’m happy to say it will still be published under the auspices of my beloved WordPress—but we’ve run across some glitches that are causing a delay. As I write this, my new site is online but I’m not sure if it will contain all my updated posts or other material by the time you see it. If you want to check it out anyway, it’s at Unfortunately, I spent most of the day communicating with the web designer and so I wasn’t able to finish the intended post. It’s just as well though since we’re still not sure if I should post it here or there! (How do people do this sort of thing every day? I’d go nuts in a week!)
So anyway, my valentine’s gift to you is that now you have all that free time you thought you were going to spend reading my blog post to browse through my blog roll to catch up on any previous posts you might have missed!! Yaaay! Happy Valentine’s Day! I love you!
Yes, since you ask, I am feeling a bit tightly wound at the moment. You may have noticed that I tend to be somewhat scrupulous about getting my posts out in a timely manner, so perhaps the perfectionists among you will understand how much of an understatement it is when I say I’m not thrilled about this interruption. In fact, my inner perfectionist is being severely tested. I’ve got her on a tight leash at the moment lest she start tearing her hair and running through the neighborhood screaming for valentine candy.
But seriously, folks. This is probably very good for her! I’m always telling her to “trust the universe” and “stay present in the moment” and “go with the flow” so now’s our chance to see what she’s really made of!! Will she trust or bust? Blow or flow? Stay present or go ballistic? The Shadow knows!! Ahem.
I’ll keep you updated on developments as they occur, and feel certain we’ll have this resolved shortly.
And I’m really serious now when I tell you that I just love you guys! You’ve made my day just about every day of the past almost 3 years. I can’t imagine not having you to share my heart and soul with.
Sending lots of love to you and your loved ones. Happy Valentines’s Day.
(Ego to Perfectionist: “There now. I think I handled that rather well. Don’t you agree?”
Perfectionist to Ego: “Outta my way! Where’d you hide the cinnamon gummy hearts?”
A Matter of Heart
“. . . when our left and right brain work in harmony, we begin to access our deeper Self and feel its guidance and support.
2 Responses
Remember – space and time lose their relevance in a liminal place – and that is the place from which your writing comes. Move at an easy pace. Enjoy . . . We’ll be happy to see the next post whenever it comes.
Thank you, dear one! I’m sitting here laughing at myself after just adding a conversation from my Ego to my Perfectionist to the end of this post! Enjoy your evening!