2012 in review


Dear Readers,
I’ve just received the following summary of the past year’s activity on Matrignosis.  Occasionally, friends express interest in how it’s being received, so I thought I’d share this with you all. 
My thanks to WordPress for being such a helpful, informative host to bloggers.  And special thanks to you who follow Matrignosis. Connecting with  you has been a major blessing in my life.
I wish you all a loving, peaceful, consciousness-raising and enlightening New Year! 
The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

19,000 people fit into the new Barclays Center to see Jay-Z perform. This blog was viewed about 96,000 times in 2012. If it were a concert at the Barclays Center, it would take about 5 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

Join 5,849 other subscribers


0 Responses

  1. A guid new year to you Jeanie ! As you may have noticed I’m not the worlds most frequent commenter, but if you see the number of visits in your stats from the UK I probably count for a slice of that…. Looking forward to more of your posts in the coming year, keep well 🙂

    1. Thank you Brian. A guid new year to you too, my Scottish friend. Be assured that I’m among your frequent American viewers as well. I think your poetry is extraordinary!

    1. Thank you, Elaine. I’ve loved your blog this year too. It’s so relevant for so many people. I’ve learned a lot from it and I know it’s doing a world of good!! Blessings in the new year! Love, Jeanie

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