Hello my dear friends. This post is going to be different from the others. Instead of using the written word to share my passions with you, I have a video for you to watch. It’s the interview about my new book, Healing the Sacred Divide, which was conducted on June 6th at the Book Expo America. It’s just come online and you are among the first to see it. Yaaay! I hope you like it, and I hope you’ll pass it along to others who might be interested. When you’re ready to watch it, click on the UTube link above.
Coincidentally, the online version of Publishers Weekly has just published a review of Healing the Sacred Divide in its Religion section. I’m absolutely thrilled to say they’ve given it a “Thumbs Up!” Another Yay!! Here’s the link: http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-1-936012-60-2
Things are getting very exciting now. In another week I’ll begin doing book signings, lectures, and workshops. If you’re interested in knowing when and where I’ll be appearing, you can check out my website from time to time. And, of course, if you’re interested in having me make a presentation for your group, you can contact me through there too.
Also, to my loyal friends who are reading or have already read advance copies and offered to post reviews on Amazon, my publisher says the time has come. So have at it!! Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to do this for me! I’m told there’s a magic number of reviews — somewhere around 20 — which will attract major interest and cause an important boost in sales. I know your kind words will make a huge difference. While you’re there, I hope you’ll check out the wonderful review Skip Conover has already posted.
Of course, to anyone who feels so inclined, I’d be extremely grateful if you’d add your own thoughts to Amazon! And if you don’t have a copy yet, please don’t be daunted by the fact that they only have one left! They’ve almost sold out of the advance copies they had, but after July 30 they’ll have lots more. Meanwhile, you can get one right away from my publisher, Larson Publications, Inc. at their web site: www.Larsonpublications.com. Plus, you’ll find several reviews and lots of other very cool information about Healing the Sacred Divide there.
My heart is very full as I write this. I’m humbled and deeply grateful for your interest in my work, and I want you to know how much I appreciate the fact that you are following this blog. Matrignosis and Healing the Sacred Divide are my gifts to you and the world, and you, my dear friends, are the world’s miraculous gifts to me!

What’s the Point of the Three Kings?
Those of us raised as Christians know this holiday is about a lot more than rushing about, partying and shopping, and many of us enjoy warm memories and nostalgic feelings this time of year. But why are the moments of love, joy and peace so difficult to find during the holiday season? Where do the feelings of exhaustion, anxiety, disappointment and depression come from? Why do we keep missing the point of Christmas? How can we recapture it?
0 Responses
Great interview, Jeanie. You articulate the ideas in your book quite well. I will be contacting Larson Publications to order my copy. I’m excited to read it!
Congratulations on all the exciting things happening to you now!
Thank you, Jenna! This means very much to me. Jeanie
I shall write a review once I have read it….honest!! The search engines pick up on books with 25 reviews or more and they get *pimped* more within the system. 40+ and there’s more automatic promotion. It’s a tough gig to get that many reviews as there’s a lot of guidelines about who can and can’t review and how you must do it (eg, if someone had an advance copy in exchange for review, they’re meant to mention that in the review. There’s been a lot of chatter on the wires about Amazon removing reviews they feel contravene their guidelines. But once I have read it, I shall review, and also recommend on my blog too.
I am so pleased for you, dear friend.
Thank you so much, Viv: for the promise to write a review, for the helpful information about online reviews, search engines and Amazon, and for your friendship. And congratulations on your growing success as a writer! I’m so happy for you! Jeanie
Wow, this is exciting news indeed. Your excitement is electrifying. I can feel it crackling in the air around me. I find it contagious and I am feeling excitement rising in me for you and your work. I watched the video and shared it on my facebook page. Here is the comment I added to that link:
Jean Raffa takes complex ideas and makes them accessible. She discusses in her book about healing individually thereby making an impact on the world at large. I believe many people are doing just that however, there is more work to be done to bring a sense of unity, understanding and compassion to all beings on this beautiful planet of ours. I too feel it is time to “Heal the Sacred Divide” that is separating the people on earth into me and them ultimately creating a harmonious we.
Yes, I really was very excited when I wrote that yesterday.To have two good reviews and the long-awaited posting of my interview come out all on the same day got me really psyched! I really, really appreciate your sharing my interview with your friends and adding your good words to it. Here’s to all who are working to create that “harmonious we.” Blessings, friend. Jeanie
Saludos Jeannie
The interview video was great! You presented beautifully and your persona was radiant as well.
Thank you, Cicero. I so appreciate your friendship and support! Love, Jeanie
Excellent interview. Congratulations, Jeanie.
Admiringly, Sally
Many thanks, Sally! You’re so kind to write! Jeanie
I´m very happy for your success! I only have about fifty more pages to go in ˝Healing the Sacred Divide.˝ It has been a great read so far, so you can count on a positive review from me.
Best Wishes,
Oh, Emerald. Thank you so much. I can’t wait to read your review! With much appreciation, Jeanie
Lovely to read this glowing write-up from Publisher’s Weekly and to hear and feel you on video. Congratulations, Jean. You have worked hard and it shows. I’m about half way through your book. Thank you for what I’ve already learned and for what I will learn in the coming pages. Your ideas are desperately needed.
Warmly, Elaine http://elainemansfield.com/
I’m sorry to be so long in responding to this comment but I just found it in my spam box!! For some reason, wordpress didn’t recognize you this time! Anyway, thanks for your congratulations. I have, indeed, worked hard, and for quite a long time!! I’m so glad to know you’re reading my book and think its ideas are needed! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that others will feel the same way. Love, Jeanie
How fun to see and hear you! A positive review from me too for sure…as soon as I finish your book. I am going slow, reflecting and savoring it! San
Thank you, Sandy. I really look forward to your thoughts about it. Meanwhile, please feel free to take all the time you need to listen to your inner responses: they’re the key to any benefits you might receive from reading Healing the Sacred Divide. Jeanie