Birthing a Book: Part II


Why does this newest book of mine, Healing the Sacred Divide, feel special?  Well, my earlier books brought me great joy, but their writing and birthing were so effortless that it was almost too easy. It seemed to me then that I was mining the deepest core of my being, but in retrospect I see I was still just digging around on the surface. I was like a fledgling archeologist who has finally been let loose on a dig site and gets giddy over every artifact she unearths with no clue about the greater treasures awaiting below.
But when you carefully and single-mindedly tend a passion for 19 years, putting all your creative energy into it day after day with few rewards other than the satisfaction of persevering and knowing you’re doing your best, it feels very much like raising a beloved child. You do it because you must, and when it finally leaves the nest to enter the world on its own, it carries your heart and soul with it.
But more than that, to use the language of Jungian psychology, I see now that the other books came mostly from my personal unconscious, but with this one I feel I’ve tapped into the richer veins of the collective unconscious. It feels like this is not just my story, it’s everyone’s story. My other books were gifts to myself.  Healing the Sacred Divide is my gift to the world.
In our time we are becoming increasingly polarized around divisive issues of faith, gender and politics. The blame for this state of affairs does not lie with any one group,  but with our own dualistic thinking. As long as we persist in assigning labels of “good” and “bad” to every pair of opposites, whether male/female,  I/you, human/divine, my religion/your religion, or our nation/their nation, we will perpetuate the problem.
The time has come to realize this way of thinking no longer serves humanity’s best interests.  Fortunately, there is an alternative.  It is typified by a committed effort to understand ourselves, forge authentic relationships with others, and try to live with compassion every moment of every day. This way of living is symbolized by the mandorla, the shape formed by the merging of two separate circles. This almond-shaped space represents the kind of integrated psychological thinking and spiritual living we’ve always associated with our wisest and most enlightened Spirit Persons.
I believe developing Mandorla Consciousness is the spiritual work of our time, a radical middle path to God.  Healing the Sacred Divide is my contribution to our understanding of how to travel this path. Open to all regardless of religion, I believe it is our soul’s purpose on Earth.
If you’re interested in meeting my newest creative child, its official birth date is scheduled for July. However, Larson Publications will soon have advance copies in stock, and ordering directly from their website will be the quickest way to get one. Plus, you’ll get a reduced price. I suggest you go directly to my page at In closing I’d like to share an amazing comment that will appear on the back cover:
“A compelling journey through the human psyche and soul, both deeply personal and universal. Jean has done a brilliant job of illuminating where we are, how we got here, and how we can transcend the polarization and loneliness of this time by reconnecting with the sacred in its fullest, richest expression.”
—Margaret J. Wheatley, author of Leadership and the New Science and Turning to One Another

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0 Responses

  1. I shall be ordering a copy via Amazon so I can leave a review there.
    This is so exciting!
    I saw yesterday a quote from Jung about someone letting go on projections and being aware of their own shadow and of taking on some of the world’s troubles in their struggle to integrate that shadow. This is the work you are doing, and doing for the world, for us. Thank you.

    1. Oh, thank you, Viv: for ordering the book and writing a review for Amazon!! That would be really lovely! Thank you also for the very kind words!

  2. This was the quote: If you imagine someone who is brave enough to withdraw all his projections, then you get an individual who is conscious of a pretty thick shadow. Such a man has saddled himself with new problems and conflicts. He has become a serious problem to himself, as he is now unable to say that they do this or that, they are wrong, and they must be fought against. He lives in the “House of the Gathering.” Such a man knows that whatever is wrong in the world is in himself, and if he only learns to deal with his own shadow he has done something real for the world. He has succeeded in shouldering at least an infinitesimal part of the gigantic, unsolved social problems of our day. – Carl Jung

    1. Wow! I love that. Especially the phrase “he has become a serious problem to himself. This is certainly true of me, but I never quite realized what a good thing it can be. For a very long time it mostly felt bad! I also like: “He lives in the “House of the Gathering.” Thank you for associating this quote with me and passing it on. I’m honored.

  3. Thank you, Jeanie, for describing the birthing process. I have my order in with Larson Publications. I’m sure it will be a powerful and beautiful book.

  4. Jean, I’m so excited about your new book! I am going to your website to order a copy. If it carries your heart and soul with it, I know it’s going to be great!
    Congratulations and much love,

  5. I’m deeply grateful for your long birthing of this book that promises to guide us through the journey toward a deeper, richer, integrated consciousness and embodiment of who we truly are as created in the image of the Unconditional Love from which all life flows. Yes, your work is a gift
    hone from a patient persistence to be true to that which lies deepest in you…which touches what is deepest in us.
    You model so well for me what I call the “Peaceful Warrior”; the inner masculine so tenderly wed with the inner feminine that is single- focused in championing the Goodness of life in and through each soul’s unique creative journey.
    Most of the women i know, starting with myself, have struggled with this because of fearing to be assertive due to an insecure foundation earlier in life of not being seen, heard or valued as being female, or an abusive situation that sucked the confidence and strength out of us subject to the current model of what it means to be a warrior which is based on exploitation and control which we can also introject and live from in ourselves and obstruct our own feminine receptive capacities that want to bring our deepest goodness to life. Learning to champion our own deepest capacities takes a lot of courage, strength and support, when we can so easily have that assertion be seen as negative due to fear in breaking the status quo. I salute your Peaceful Warrior and give thanks for nudging us toward revivifying that strength and courage in ourselves to be actively rebuilding Heaven and Earth within and without from a more harmonious foundation.

    1. Thank you, Julie. I love the Peaceful Warrior Image. Sometimes I think of it as the Spirit Warrior. Either way, it is as you describe. I appreciate it that you see that potential in me and that you’ve taken the time to share your thoughts about your journey to activate it in yourself. It has been an issue in my life as well. May we both keep growing in our ability to resolve it. Blessings, Jeanie

  6. P.S. Jeanie, I love the picture of Artemis you have hanging on your book case. She is the perfect embodiment for me of the feminine Peaceful Warrior directing her arrows toward that which nurtures life and cares for the vulnerable, deep instinct for life’s thriving.

    1. Yes, she’s been a favorite of mine for many years and I associate the same things with her that you do. I also love her freedom to be who she is and live her life on her own terms at the same time. To be able to nurture others while pursuing your individuality seems a noble goal to me.

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