The Mediatrix Archetype in Dreams

It is your Mediatrix who wants to understand and learn from your dreams, and when the time is right, she will show up to provide guidance. Occasionally, her appearance can have the life-changing impact of a mysterious supernatural experience, but more often it’s very subtle, so you will have to be on the watch for her.

How to Survive Your Childhood Now That You're An Adult

Do you ever ask yourself, “Is this all there is?”  Have you played by the rules and done your best, yet wonder why you’re not as happy and fulfilled as you expected to be?  If so, How To Survive Your Childhood Now That You’re an Adult: A Path to Authenticity and Awakening is a book you’ll want to read.

The Wisewoman: Counselor at the Crossroads, Weaver at the Gate

The “counselor at the crossroads” aspect of the Wisewoman represents our instinctive recognition of opportunities for choice at critical stages of life and the knack for making appropriate decisions based on love and the true processes of our souls.

Books: The Perfect Holiday Gift

Holiday Greetings to all. It’s a week before Christmas, so there’s still time to order books for the readers on your list. In case you’re looking for ideas, here are some of my recent favorites. They’re all wonderful.  Enjoy.

The Couple: A New God-Image

Humanity is evolving and here, in our time, our collective God-image is undergoing a dramatic transformation. We are imagining God as something far more balanced and complex than a superior masculine authority who is fascinated by the feminine other while remaining aloof from her.

For the Crones

Throughout history mothers and grandmothers have dedicated most of their energy, and often their lives, to nurturing and preserving life. Of course, many fathers and grandfathers have done the same. But women’s contributions have been educationally, financially, politically and spiritually restricted, vastly underrated, and largely taken for granted except for occasional lip service.

Following Our Symbols: Healing Our Souls

Last weekend, Elaine Mansfield and I presented a Friday night lecture and Saturday workshop to the C.G. Jung Society of Sarasota about the lessons to be learned from loss and grief. A major theme was how our culture’s one-sided emphasis on the brain’s left-hemisphere logos thinking has severely crippled the fullest development of our souls.

Learning From Our Lady of the Beasts

“The Earth Mother is…the eternally fruitful source of everything…. Each separate being is a manifestation of her; all things share in her life through an eternal cycle of birth and rebirth….Her animals….embody the deity herself, defining her personality and exemplifying her power.”  Buffie Johnson, Our Lady of the Beasts, Inner Traditions The successful wielding of […]

Animal Medicine: Seeing Hidden Emotions

One of the most amazing, and frustrating, things about horses is that they naturally mirror our emotions. If we are afraid, they will be afraid. If, beneath a calm exterior, we are irritable or angry, intense, anxious, or excitable, they will behave in accordance with the deeper reality.

Inanna: Myth of Descent

Hero myths have healing meaning too, but “happily ever after” does not tell the whole story. Descent myths do.