The Shadow King and Queen in Relationships

Our species is acquiring a broader perspective that envisions reciprocal partnerships between our masculine and feminine sides. Both intuition and experience tell us that healing the divide between these opposites will give birth to creative new ways of thinking and being that will better serve the needs of all of us. Yet with comparatively few models of the healthy Queen to emulate, we’re struggling mightily to understand and respect her.

Dream About A Mother Complex

An old lady is beating up a boy. She is beating him up really badly, he has a bloody face. When she is done, she comes towards me, moving to my right. I go to the left to see if the boy is still alive. I fear he is not. She comes at me, and I kick her in the stomach and she goes flying backwards, off a cliff.

Trees and Disney Princesses Revisited

Did anyone sign your high school yearbook, “Don’t ever change”? Maybe you wrote it in a few yearbooks yourself. This is the normal desire of an adolescent ego. What it wants is so simple: to be old enough to drive, get a job, earn a lot of money, become independent, satisfy all its instinctual desires as much as it wants to…and then stop growing.

Seeing With A Different Perspective

Looking for the psychological meanings of public myths and private dreams is an extremely powerful way to train your intuition and add to your store of wisdom. You may not always like what you see, but then how many of us liked Oz’s Wicked Witch of the West?

Questioning Religion

When I finally found the courage to write openly and honestly, I discovered to my great surprise that my progressive thinking was not only accepted, but the posts from 2011 receiving the highest number of views were almost always about religion! In fact, my Dec. 14th post titled “How’s Your God-Image Working For You?” received an all-time high of 257 views in one day!

How Are Your King and Queen Working For You?

When we project a dysfunctional King and/or Queen onto those from whom we expect nurturing, our behavior will be confusing to them and problematic for us. When they don’t give us exactly what we want from them—and many of our wants are unconscious or conflicting—we will misinterpret their words and motives and believe they are flawed or don’t really care.