Giving Thanks for the Sovereign Archetype

The ethical impeccability of the Sovereign archetype is not easily won or highly developed in everyone. A passion for justice, caring, equality, honesty, and morally responsible behavior are functions of experience, education, psychological maturity, economic security, and a “religious” attitude of reverence for the miracle and mystery of life. These qualities are rare in individuals who’ve endured persistent abuse and agonizing struggles for love, safety and survival.

Partnership Between the King and Queen: The Sovereign

The King and Queen archetypes are the primary authorities of our psyches and societies. We know of their existence because projections of them have ruled civilizations throughout human history. If they were not part of our psychological makeup, we would not need to create them in the world. These archetypes cause people everywhere to choose and obey moral authorities who (we hope) will protect us, govern us, nurture our development, and enable us and our progeny to thrive.

Are We Better Off Today?

In gratitude for my freedom and in the belief that every human being is entitled to equal rights, I dedicate this non-partisan Election Day post to my American grandmothers who made it possible for me to vote.  These women were social leaders who embodied the authority of the Queen archetype.  They were Mothers who were determined to create a better world for their children. […]

Re-Stocking and Moving On

The property on which our family’s summer home sits in North Carolina was purchased over 40 years ago by my husband’s 101 year-old father and his second wife! Yes, he’s alive and living comfortably with Winn, his third wife! This amazing man is the son of a poor Italian immigrant who arrived at Ellis Island in the first decade of the 20th century.

Which Feminine Archetypes Are Strongest In You?

In my system, the feminine archetypes are the Queen, Mother, Wisewoman and Beloved. These images of our basic instincts serve our “feminine” drive for species-preservation and relationship. The ways we see and use their energies are transformed over time as our egos mature through three phases:

Is Self-Discovery Selfish?

I know people who find what they call “navel gazing” distasteful because of the apparent emphasis on “me, myself and I.” What they don’t realize is that self-discovery is often a response to problematic relationships that pays off big time by creating healthier ones.

Feminism's Political Momentum and the Bond Girls

Now I realize that at first glance, one might not automatically associate the Bond Girls with an advance in consciousness! After all, they were uniformly young, slender, beautiful, and sexy. (Mrs. Moneypenny and Bond’s boss, M, are not Bond Girls!) Aaaarrrggghhhh! We might as well call them Bond Barbie Dolls. But bear with me here. There were some subtle differences.

Are We Really Growing Up At Last?

The civil rights movement came about in the 1950’s and 60’s because the Androgyne archetype, which presses us to integrate our inner opposites, is closing the gap between races. A historic bridge had already been built between the genders in 1920 when the Nineteenth Amendment gave women the right to vote.

Making Connections

My readers are teaching me that others don’t automatically make the same connections I take for granted, and that sometimes I need to clarify their practical applications. So I’d like to share a recent interaction with a reader who is helping me see how to do this.

Who Was Eve: Wanton or Warrior?

Adam and Eve had everything in the Garden of Eden, didn’t they? Well, almost everything. They didn’t know the difference between good and evil, but we are told that Eve and the snake changed all that. God had given Adam and Eve only one rule: Do not eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. For a while, Adam and Eve found it easy to honor this rule, for there was much to discover in the beautiful garden and each other.