

Obsessing About Stressing

The other night I dreamed an entire blog post. I woke up a few times thinking, “Yay! This will be a good one!” but dozed off again before writing anything down. When the alarm rang we jumped up and raced off to watch our grandchildren ‘s soccer, baseball and volleyball games. By the time I thought about my dream it had submerged into that place where unremembered dreams live. I sure wish I could find that place. I hate losing a good idea for a post. But I’m trying not to stress over it.

If All the World's a Stage, Are You a Passable Pretender or Potent Performer?

I discovered my Actress around the age of 10 when I sang “How Much is That Doggy in the Window? ” punctuated with barks, in a church camp talent show. I loved the laughter and applause. After that I rushed onstage at every opportunity: in classes, plays, as a teacher, president of the PTA, church leader, chairman of the board. It wasn’t until my mid-40’s that I noticed how little I really enjoyed these activities and how draining most of them were.

What I Expected: What I Got

Now that my new book is formally launched, I’m starting to promote it. I’ve just returned home after being away for four days during which I had three book-signings. I had two others the week before. These were amazing learning experiences. Here are some early examples.

Learning From 9-11, Envisioning a Better Future

Last time I used my right-brained mythos thinking to examine the symbols of the 9-11 terrorist attack. Is this just so much airy-fairy hooey, or is it reasonable to consider that tragic event a portent of things to come? Are our most revered institutions not only endangered, but crumbling like the twin towers because of humanity’s ego-centric, upward-striving, linear mindset? Are we being challenged to expand our thinking and adapt to a very different world than any that has ever existed before?

A Lesson from September 11: Is Our Dualistic Thinking Doing Us In?

Look at the symbolism. A skyscraper is a hierarchical structure. In the towers of banks, hotels, condominiums and corporations, the most prestigious level is the top. Thus, like the Egyptian pyramids, the Biblical Tower of Babylon or the towers that wealthy citizens of San Gimignano, Italy built during the Middle Ages, skyscrapers represent the way our minds are structured.

Flexing Our Mythos Muscles

In his book The Alphabet Versus the Goddess, vascular surgeon Leonard Shlain writes about the brain’s role in the evolution of our species. His research suggests that historically there has been a cause-and-effect relationship between an obsessive left-hemisphere orientation and the ascendency of the separate, abstract, male Sky God, the dominator mode of governance, and the repression of women and minorities.

Crumbdungeon or Changing Woman?

I love the writing phase of a book, but promoting it is an entirely different thing! Neither my personality nor my brain finds anything fun or easy about that. It didn’t help that my computer skills are rudimentary and our internet service was wonky!

Moon Over Lake

Lately I’ve been thinking and writing a lot about nature. I’m starting to wonder why. I do have kind of a “thing” about nature. Always have, I guess. For the first 12 years of my life I loved playing outdoors. One of my favorite haunts was a secret “cave” under a trinity of palm trees beside the back alley. I’d hide there under thick palmettos, savoring the shade and enjoying not being seen by the occasional passer-by.

Relaxing at the Beach on Labor Day Weekend

Last evening I sat out on the deck and took this picture of the fading light behind the mountain. Although the first day of Autumn is still three weeks away, we’re already seeing signs of it here. The cherry tree silhouetted against the pink sky has already lost most of its leaves and the buckeyes are turning yellow and brown. Most of our shrubs have completed their show, but the lacecap hydrangea in the foreground will bloom a while longer.

Dream Symbols of the Beloved: Part II

My friends, My family is with me in the mountains to celebrate summer’s last hurrah!  Writing two posts a week takes more time than I

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