

Why I Find Easter Difficult to Write About

Easter is difficult for me to write about. Partly because I can’t think of anything to say I haven’t already said. I’d love to tell you a story about my favorite Easter as a child, but I don’t have one! We were Christians but we didn’t celebrate Easter in our house when I was growing up. Except for one year when my uncle dropped by and surprised Jimmy and me with Easter baskets. They probably had chocolate bunnies wrapped in foil, and yellow marshmallow peeps, and jelly beans, and green plastic grass. Until then I had no idea such things existed. Maybe that was my favorite Easter….

The Art of Tending the Fire

Ultimately, the symbols and motifs of every work of art are manifestations of the artist’s compulsion to understand and express him/herself, evolve into greater consciousness, and share what s/he has learned with others. Some artists know this; others don’t have a clue. Yet every artist grapples with these themes in one way or another simply because they are the core concerns of every soul.

A Love Affair With Carl Jung

Without Jung’s encouragement I would never have had the nerve to follow my passion for writing. Even if I had, I wouldn’t have had anything to write about. The only thing I know much about is the inner journey to self-discovery and the practices that guide me; and writing is the only job I’m good for!

Children and Meditation

Before fully awakening this morning I dozed off and on in dreams about a new post. But I can’t remember a word of it now. Plus, my mind is still absorbed in the book I was reading on Kindle (The Bet, by Vivienne Tuffnell) as I walked. What I really want to do is keep reading.

The Risk-Taking Leap

The inward path has a different set of rules and it takes time and experience to learn them. Because this way is far less well-understood in the West, and because it requires detaching from the spirit of the times, it inevitably entails confusion, conflict, self-doubt, pain and suffering. What will happen if we leave the safe familiar way? Will we be punished? Will anyone still love us?

Ten Things I Love About You

March 10 was the third anniversary of Matrignosis. The past three years have been among the happiest of my life and you are part of the reason. This post is my way of thanking and celebrating you for the difference you make. Here are ten of the many things I love about you.

What’s Really Important: Naming the Holy or Experiencing It?

Recently I received an announcement of an upcoming series of seminars featuring Matthew Fox and Andrew Harvey. Part one is titled, “Cosmic Christ and the New Humanity.” The live event on March 8-10 will be held on the west coast whereas I’m in the east, but people can participate online using live streaming technology. Having attended events with both of these spirit persons in the last six months, I know this will be a deeply enriching experience so I’ve signed up.

Incarnating the Divine

I’m writing this a day after receiving word that I’ve won the Wilbur Award from the Religion Communicators Council for the best non-fiction book for 2013. As you can imagine, I’m over the moon, bursting with joy, gratitude, love for everyone and everything, well-being, affirmation, and an extraordinarily comforting feeling of closure on a project I worked on for 18 years without knowing if anyone else would ever read or benefit from it!

What Do Men Mean When They Say Women Are too Emotional?

Both genders inherit bodies that predispose them to predictable responses to certain situations and emotions, and some cultures reinforce these to stereotypical extremes. Many individuals take advantage of this for self-serving reasons, thus exacerbating the gender gap..

Falling Through: One Man's Fear of Feeling

(Note:  In keeping with my latest theme of the wounded masculine, I’m pleased to share this piece by guest blogger, Rick Belden. Rick is an author and a poet

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