

The Spiritual Practice of Gathering the World to Oneself

To our surprise, opening to our inner otherness reveals a world that is exactly like the one without! Not only is it a compilation of our worst fears and flaws, but also of our fundamental beauty, lovable qualities, and noble potential. Accepting ourselves at our worst humbles and softens us. Accepting ourselves at our best affirms and inspires us.

Why Go Into the Arts?

On the way to camp that summer, a girl showed me two chords on her baritone ukulele and by the time we arrived I’d taught myself to play “In the Still of the Night” and “Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley.”

What’s the Difference Between the Voices of Ego and Soul?

The search for self-knowledge requires us to discriminate between helpful and non-helpful thoughts, attitudes, feelings and emotions. Until now, I’ve never found a clear and simple description of how to practice this. Then I came across a post by Rhiame, a contributor to the online journal, Waking Times. Her post, “How Do I Know if it’s My Ego or Soul Talking?” is helpful to me, and I’d like to share a portion of it:

Does Belief in Jungian Psychology Influence Your Dreams?

Over the Christmas holidays Brian Carlin, an internet poet friend whose blog I follow, retreated to an island where he read an e-book form of Dream Theatres of the Soul. Shortly afterwards he published a few poems he called “Dream book 1” and “Dream book 2.”

2013 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Confessions of a Reluctant Holiday Reveler

The holiday season is here! Ho, Ho, Ho and Happy New Year!! Are you feeling jolly and excited? Not me. In fact, I’ve been slightly uneasy since Hallowe’en. Call me Scrooge if you must, but I’m not really a wet blanket or party-pooper. I like to laugh. I know how to have fun.

The Thanksgiving Gift of Two-Way Partnership

Most people think working with horses is a one-way form of communication: the human does the training and the horse does the listening and learning so it can serve the human’s needs. Most riders and trainers love horses very much and train them with kindness and patience; others believe they need to “break” horses with bullying and brute force. Either type can achieve great success…from the perspective of the human ego.

Mythological Healing in Times of Crisis

It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to my guest blogger, Elaine Mansfield. Elaine and I met about 15 years ago at the Winter Park Jung Center where her husband Vic made a presentation about his newest book. Talking over dinner afterwards, Elaine and I discovered that we had many interests in common, including dreamwork, women’s issues, and mythological studies.

Something Different About Last Weekend

Around 35 years ago, my husband’s youngest brother, Tony, called us late one night from college to tell us he was gay. My first reaction was surprise. This was in the late seventies, when homosexuality was still so closeted that the average straight person rarely thought about it, let alone openly encountered it.

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