

Hillary Clinton and the Feminine Archetype: Part I

Those of us who were alive in the 50’s and 60’s—including Hillary Clinton—experienced the chaotic beginnings of this new vision. America struggled with Civil Rights demonstrations, protests against the Viet Nam War, and, with the introduction of the birth control pill, an unprecedented emancipation of women.

The Presidential Election From A Jungian Perspective

It’s apparent to everyone that the feminine principle has been activated in the collective consciousness of America. The question is, are we going to fight the potential for the revitalization of America, or will we dare to open the tomb?

The Unseen Partner

Two decades in the making and released this Labor Day weekend, Diane Croft’s The Unseen Partner is a most refreshing and artful contribution to the literature on Jungian psychology. I absolutely loved it!

Managing the Monkeys

Is it my imagination or has this summer been crazier than usual? I’m wondering if this is not just about the world situation in general, and America’s situation in particular (especially the upcoming election), but also about my personal life. I didn’t expect to feel this way at my age, especially not when I’m supposed to be relaxing and enjoying our vacation in the mountains.

A Zen Summer

The Asian martial arts are rooted in Zen Buddhism and Taoism. Their spiritual elements gave purpose and meaning to the ancient warriors who loved and practiced them. The same can be said of those of us who practice loving Nature, our Mother. If our practices have a spiritual element, so do hers.

When Will I Be Loved?

Many of us cover them up quite well, but all of us, children and adults alike, suffer from secret wounds that make us feel unlovable. And unfortunately, the less lovable we believe we are, the less able we are to love.

A Dialogue with the Self

As the source of our irresistible compulsion to grow into our true selves and express our unique creativity, the Self is an ongoing, never-ending process. I see it as the psychological equivalent to the physical exchange of energy and information constantly occurring at the quantum level between the molecules of our bodies and between us and our environments.

A New Idea of Who We Are: Part III

If we could understand the inherent potential available to us we might learn how to systematically tap into it, which would vastly improve every area of our lives, from communication and self-knowledge, to our interaction with our material world.

A New Idea of Who We Are: Part II

What we call ‘genius’ may simply be a greater ability to access the Zero Point Field. In that sense, our intelligence, creativity and imagination are not locked in our brains but exist as an interaction with the Field.”

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