A Matter of Heart
“. . . when our left and right brain work in harmony, we begin to access our deeper Self and feel its guidance and support.
“. . . when our left and right brain work in harmony, we begin to access our deeper Self and feel its guidance and support.
Those of us raised as Christians know this holiday is about a lot more than rushing about, partying and shopping, and many of us enjoy warm memories and nostalgic feelings this time of year. But why are the moments of love, joy and peace so difficult to find during the holiday season? Where do the feelings of exhaustion, anxiety, disappointment and depression come from? Why do we keep missing the point of Christmas? How can we recapture it?
The Crone in a woman is that part of her psyche that is not identified with any relationship nor confined by any bond. She infuses
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Thanks for this lovely post Jeanie! I always get excited when I see some of those symbols appearing in some way. Once I woke at 4.44 am to record a dream. A few times recently I’ve had dreams one after the other in which gifts were given to me, which I didnt open. The third time this happened in my dreams I took notice..
Enjoy the Smoky mountains and the grandchildren – we’re down at the sea for a brief vacation. We escaped the gale force winds and icy weather that was experienced last week; and for a brief spell the days are warm and sunny, icy cold at night.
Thank you, Susan. I get excited at these symbols too. The more I notice these and other symbols in dreams, the more I notice them in waking life, to the point that I can see meaning in practically everything, waking or sleeping. As you know, this imaginative way of seeing is enormously enriching and a humbling and reaffirming reminder of the Mystery of life.
Talk about reminders of the Mystery, few things are as humbling as the powerful elemental and life-giving forces of the ocean in winter! Enjoy!
Susan, I’ve stumbled upon a special synchronicity involving this morning’s conversation. I just checked my blot stats and discovered this is my 444th post! How lovely. Thank you for being in my life. J
Loved this post Jeanie!
Regarding DNA and the spiral … the anthropologist Jeremy Narby has written about this from an extraordinary perspective in his fascinating account of shamanically-based experiences in the Amazon in his book: The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and The Origin of Knowledge.
Thank you for this recommendation, Richard. It seems to me you might have recommended it to me before…..and I might have ordered it…..and it might be stacked up with the 100 or so other books I’ve ordered and haven’t had a chance to read yet…..at home in Orlando……while I’m here in North Carolina with a stack of about 20 books I haven’t read yet. 🙂 If I’m right and this is the second mention of this book, then I think that’s a sign I definitely need to read it! I’ll make it a point to do so just as soon as I get back! I love having friends who recommend books to me. I’m never disappointed when I take them up on their suggestions! Thanks for writing.