Last night before his power went out, Skip Conover, a social activist and creator of the web site Archetype in Action, sent me 9 pages of statistics about blog posts of mine that he has been supporting and reposting on his internet site and newsletter for almost three years. I was blown away, not just to see evidence of how many people read them, but by his ongoing support and kindness. When I began blogging and posting on Twitter and Facebook almost four years ago, I never imagined I would meet so many wonderful people who I now feel I can call friends.
After writing the following letter to him this morning I realized it could have been written to many of you. So on this Valentine’s day I’m sending it to you too. You know who you are!
“I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done to share my writing. It’s a huge compliment to me, and I’m very grateful for your support. I feel so fortunate that you “found” me on the internet and liked what you saw. Collaborating with you has been a true gift to me and I dare to hope perhaps to “the world” as well. If there’s any way I can be of help to you, please know that it would be my honor and pleasure to do whatever I can.
“I’ve had a slow, quiet and restful winter so far. Just the kind I like. My decision last May to back off from my almost obsessive (certainly passionate) 2-a-week blog posts after over 3 years of it was right for me. It was beginning to be less fun and more of a “job” and I was becoming somewhat depleted, both physically and mentally. Then the day after hosting a Thanksgiving dinner for 25 I woke up with a painful left foot which turned out to be a stress fracture of a toe. Still too much “stress?” Yes, my stoic, perfectionist Warrior has a hard time listening to my energy and trusting my instincts. To him/her, slowing down and taking some pressure off myself almost feels like failing or giving up! Certainly it feels like disappointing others and shirking my responsibility!!!
“But I got the message and sense that something new has been incubating in my unconscious as a result. Some very interesting dreams lately seem to affirm it. Last week I fed an interesting Animus figure in my kitchen, after which he went into an adjoining room where a group of students was eagerly waiting for him to begin teaching. A few nights later he showed up as a lovely Jewish man named Goldman who sang me a hauntingly beautiful song. The other night I had a dream about two Animus images: one was an annoying Mexican man who was resting and so wouldn’t assist with the birth of a baby when a pregnant Mexican woman and her husband asked for help. But somehow they got to a hospital and when I went to see them, it was Fred who was pregnant!!! While I was there I met a wonderful woman doctor who was going to assist the birth and who let me know she wanted to get to know me better! Such marvelous symbolism.
“All this seems to speak to some inner transformations going on with my Animus and Soul. I’m sure part of it is related to making more time for music, another passion of mine, by taking ukulele lessons and practicing every day! So much fun! Plus, I’m getting excited about the speech and workshop I’ll be giving about Healing the Sacred Divide to the C.G.Jung Society of Sarasota on the weekend of March 14-15. I’m thoroughly enjoying preparing power point presentations and workshop materials and everything is falling into place beautifully. I’ve been getting guidance daily from dreams, blogs I follow, and books I’m reading, so I’m not driving myself at all. I just respond to inspiration when it comes. This lack of worry and stress, this effortlessness, is what feels so new. Perhaps I’ll write a post about it when I’m clearer about what has been happening. But that could take a while. Understanding is only just beginning to emerge! 🙂
“I hope all is well with you and Deb in this crazy weather. We’re enjoying some very pleasant cooler-than-usual days and nights and plan to spend this evening by a cozy fire. Wishing you both a happy, love-filled Valentine’s Day!”
Stay warm, my friends,
A Matter of Heart
“. . . when our left and right brain work in harmony, we begin to access our deeper Self and feel its guidance and support.
14 Responses
Dear Jeanie,
Now this truly IS a Valentine! Thank you so much for the mention of my work! It means a lot!
Best regards, Skip
Thank you, Skip! Writing this was such a pleasure. Is your power on yet?
Yes, we have power! Actually, it seems in the winter the power company is much more fastidious about fixing outages, because they know people’s lives may depend upon it. In the summer they figure you can just camp out for awhile. (;-)
I guess that’s one of the perks of living in the north. If the power companies decided to let Floridians camp out for a while in the summer, it could be pretty dreadful, if not disastrous!
happy Valentines to you too!
Thank you treasured friend! 🙂
Jeanie, What can I say, my friend…it’s been such a treat getting to know you through our blogs and FB over the past few years. The new dreams sound fabulous! Also, I’m inspired by your choice to make more time for your love of music through learning to play the ukelele, because I’ve just been inspired to revisit my love of quilting/applique as of late. Both playing an instrument and quilting I consider to be activities that require hands-on and heart concentration, giving the intellectual side a rest that, for me, allows for grounding and mental rejuvenation. Wishing you a love-filled Valentine week-end, Jenna
Jenna, You were, of course, one of the people I was feeling grateful for when I wrote this. It has been a real treat for me to get to know you too. I often see many similarities between us when I read your Facebook entries, and the fact that we’ve somehow connected despite the vast distance that physically separates us feels like a special gift.
So here’s another example of an interest we share. In the second half of the 80’s I made two special quilts: one for my daughter and one for my son. It felt very important to me that I did it all by hand, even the quilting. I wanted to pour my love for them into every stitch. So I love it that you’re revisiting your love for quilting. I’ve been considering doing the same, this time for my five grandchildren—although I must admit the thought is a bit daunting! Do I have enough time left?
You’re right; it is an activity that gives the intellectual side a rest. I probably need a few more of these!!!
Enjoy your valentine weekend, my sister.
You stay warm, too, Jeanie. It’s amazing the interconnectedness and relationship we find through writing what we love and sharing it with others. I need to relax into my work, so you inspire me to look at the OCD tendencies.
Much love and enjoy the warm fire and the Pregnant Italian lover. I love that image.
I’m so laughing!!! Pregnant Italian lover indeed! I’m not sure he’s thrilled with this image but I love it too! I also adore the OCD mention. Yes, I suppose we share this as well. But actually, so does he.
You are someone I thought of when I decided to share this letter. It’s amazing to me that we’ve only met once in person and yet knew right away, and still know, that there is a connection below the surface that is so much more powerful than relationships based only on persona.
Thank you for being in my life, Elaine. You inspire me.
I’m sure Fred is used to appearing in your dreams. Even though dead for over five years, Vic is in my dreams more than any other dream character–the helpful animus, the writer, the encourager, the lover, the one who helps when my car is stuck, the one who makes a mess in the house, the one who scowls or hugs. I hope Vic will show up pregnant.
I remember telling Marion Woodman a dream where she appeared as an ancient crone with thick clownish make-up and a huge booming laugh. Dream Marion handed out sweets. When I told her the dream, she howled with laughter–a bit like in the dream. The crazier the dream image of her, the more fun she had with it.
Thank you for your friendship and support, Jeanie. That workshop in FL looks awfully appealing on another snowy morning, but not this year. It will happen. And you inspire me, dear Jeanie, and make me laugh and tell story snippets, too.
Thank you for your friendship and support too. And for your story snippets! I enjoy them.
Thank you so much for the valentine–connecting and sending love. I smiled all the way through reading your post about taking ukulele lessons and playing. There was this whole tone of lightness and joy in ‘discovering’ music play again…almost giddy. Having read you book about dreams [my dream journal and I are inseparable] I appreciate hearing of this apparent new opening for you.
Thank you, Tanene. And I appreciate hearing from a sister dreamer and knowing you sensed the joy and lightness coming through my post. You’re right…there is a new opening, and with it some new awarenesses. My dream life is very rich these days too. All this light and growth is a bit surprising considering it’s the darkest, coldest time of year…. 🙂 Blessings on your journey, my sister, and thank you for writing.