2013 in review


The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 56,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 21 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

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8 Responses

  1. Jeanie, brava to you for your blog! And I have a synchronicity to share with you: I read your entry about trees with great interest because my dream last night was about breast milk spilled on the ground, creating two soft new trees to provide shade for the new baby.
    Have a beautiful New Year! Love, Phyllis
    Sent from my iPhone

    1. Thank you, Phyllis.
      Wow to your dream! How neat that my blog’s yearly review referred to that particular post. It would appear there must be a lot of feminine, nurturing new life occurring with/in you at the beginning of the new year. And the Mother has given you the dream and the post to celebrate and affirm it. I love the juxtaposition of the twoness of the trees (masc. and femin., i.e. the Couple or Self) and the oneness of the new baby, which creates the sacred third.
      Blessings on your new life and New Year, sweet friend.
      Love, Jeanie

  2. Dear Jeanie,
    I’m so glad to have found your ‘treasure trove’ of a blog last year and have enjoyed reading all the posts, including reading your wonderful (latest) book ‘Healing the Sacred Divide’….it’s all been kind of magical! Oh and I love all the photos and images you include too. It always makes me smile when I visit your blog to see another new post! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Your passion towards all ‘inner work’ inspires me greatly. I hope you enjoyed reading ‘The Dream of The Cosmos’ and would love to read all about the books that have inspired you on your journey. Thank you once again for sharing so much of yourself here with us all, it’s always much appreciated.
    Much love, light and laughter to you and your family in 2014!
    Deborah x

    1. Dear Deborah,
      It’s lovely to hear from you on this dreary, rainy morning! Knowing of the pleasure and inspiration you’ve derived from my blog and book and pictures has noticeably brightened my day.
      And you’ve given me another gift I will treasure always: your recommendation of Anne Baring’s “Dream of the Cosmos,” a book which, like your comments, feels like it was written especially for me!! Perhaps you noticed the similarity of themes in her book and mine, although hers is far more comprehensive. Coincidentally, there’s a new video out on YouTube in which she’s interviewed by another of my favorites, Andrew Harvey. I watched it on New Year’s Eve, and loved that too.
      Thank you very much, sweet lady, for your generous thoughts and words. I like your idea of a post about books that have inspired me on my journey and will write one for you soon.
      Wishing you and yours a new year filled with new insights, new dreams, and an abundance of peace and love.

  3. Impressive, especially for a woman who took the summer off. Very impressive. I haven’t looked at my WP annual report. Perhaps I should or maybe I just need to keep working on my epilogue. Sending love and gratitude your way,

    1. I’m chuckling at the warmth and good will of your charming message. What a kind heart you have! By all means, keep working on that epilogue! I can’t wait to hold your book in my hands! Much love, Jeanie

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