The Eastern world has long known about the power and effects of Kundalini, but most Westerners have no idea that such a thing as spiritual evolutionary energy exists. Yet, committed seekers and spirit persons have repeatedly reported experiencing the disconcerting effects of its awakening and interpreted it in accordance with the prevailing doctrines of their times. In India it is called Kundalini and Shakti; in China it is Chi; in Christianity it is associated with the Holy Spirit; in Freudian psychology, libido. Regardless of what we call this energy, the effect it has upon us as it undulates through our lives is profound.
No one can predict when or how Serpent Mother will awaken or what impact she will make. Perhaps the only thing we can say with any certainty is that our ego has no authority over her: she has a logic all her own and stirs only when she deems us ready. Unfortunately, the fact that our spirits may be ready for this mega-dose of sacred energy does not necessarily mean our bodies or psyches are prepared. Many people suffer mightily when she is aroused, for the Kundalini serpent is, above all, an agent for growth and change, and few of us welcome change.
One effect of Kundalini energy is said to be that as the “serpent” moves up the spinal cord she removes any energy blocks that might be tensing our bodies and hampering our growth. Because our resistance to change is so powerful, these blocks can be deeply entrenched, and our inability to relax and yield can cause extremely uncomfortable physical symptoms.
For others, the discomfort is primarily psycho-spiritual. Genevieve Lewis Paulson, in her book, Kundalini and the Chakras, says many Christian saints and mystics experienced the symptoms of Kundalini release which they called “sufferings” and accepted as necessary to their spiritual growth. Less spiritually grounded individuals might see their depressions, temptations, self-hatred, moral lapses and religious doubts as indicative of character flaws or mental illness when they could actually be brought on by evolutionary advances in their thinking which are revealing the unacceptability of the narrow prisons of conformity within which they’ve been living.
It is not the ego itself, but its unconscious attachment to what Jung called the spirit of the times that blocks humanity’s evolution into greater wisdom, compassion and consciousness. These words of Franz Kafka could have been uttered by any authentic Spirit Warrior in any place or age: “Don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.” This is how we become enlightened beings: by knowing, honoring and loving the spirit of the depths.
The Serpent Mother’s evolutionary energies remain dormant in mind and matter throughout the soul’s winter. This dark season will last as long as it takes for Prince Ego to mount his trusty steed and, with the help of his mighty sword of clear discernment, challenge the spirit of the times by discovering his own truths and bringing more light to his unconscious. If he persists, his disciplined practices will eventually lead him into the depths, the dwelling place of the Beloved. And if he will honor his queen with his noblest, most chaste and loving kiss, she will awaken and bless him with her partnership. Together they will usher in the spring of the souls’ blossoming.
You can find Healing the Sacred Divide at this Amazon link, or at Larson Publications, Inc.
A Matter of Heart
“. . . when our left and right brain work in harmony, we begin to access our deeper Self and feel its guidance and support.
0 Responses
Another wonderful article, Jeanie, full of information and great cross-cultural associations! This is an important experience in our lives, one we ought to prepare for and welcome when it arrives!
The paraphrase of Jung and the quote from Kafka reminds me of the one from Blake: “Read not the Times, but the Eternities.”
Thank you for all your great work in the Great Work,
Thank you so much, William. Your continued support means so much to me. It definitely sounds like Jung, Kafka, and Blake were all pretty much on the same page, doesn’t it?
Yes, the best work we each can do is essential to the Great Work. I likewise thank you for your incomparable contribution!
You touched on the seasonal awakening of Kundalini above. As another layer to this, I’m coming to see the “emergence of the Kundalini Queen” as something intimately tied to the seasons – I feel a restless stirring of this energy in me as we move closer to Spring. My tradition acknowledges a close association between earth, the heavens, and the human body, so to me it makes perfect sense that the lower chakras would be activated as the time of rebirth dawns in the Northern Hemisphere. And it’s not just me – it seems others are feeling the perilous anticipation of Hope and Life.
Anyway, thank you for helping me tie it all together. 🙂
(in case the embedded link above doesn’t work:
Hi Jerome,
What a great insight! Thanks for sharing it with me. Perhaps that’s why I’ve felt such a strong need to write about the body lately! In my experience, being able to listen to and follow my passions is not always accompanied by understanding, so it’s a special delight when someone helps me connect the dots!!
I loved the link and the Phil Collins video. I’d never listened closely to the words of this song but always found it moving…..more messages from the body!
My best,
Yes, I found a copy at my local library of Paulsons book the Chakras, and Kundalini. It was an indian publication published by Jaico. The subject of Kundalini is of great interest to me, and my research. See my evolving project introduction at
Hi Robert. Thanks for writing, and for providing a link to your site about MDS. It sounds fascinating and promising! I wish you the very best of luck with it! Jeanie
Wonderful article on a less understood concept. If I may add.
Joseph Campbell gives a wonderful explanation of the Kundalini in his work ‘Transformations of Myth Through Time, years later re-edited and renamed Mythos {video series hosted by Susan Sarandon}. He devotes two chapters to the topic of the Kundalini, the first titled From Id to Ego: Kundalini Yoga Part 1 and the second, From Psychology to Spirituality: Kundalini Yoga Part II. Anyone interested in Eastern philosophy and Jungian psyche should read Campbell’s works first, his articulation of both concepts making it easy to understand. From the book:
“Yoga is the spontaneous activity of the mind stuff.”
There are two aspects to the physiology of the mind. One is the nerves, the grey matter, and the other is the energy that lives in the nerves. the energy is what communicates the messages. The gross matter is called , in Sanskrit, sthula. The sutle matter, the energy inside, the activating principle, is called sukshma {“sutle”}.
Easy reading.
Hi Jerry. I’m glad you liked this. Thanks for the Joseph Campbell info. I have that book but don’t think I ever read much of it for some reason. (There are lots of black holes in my psycho/spiritual education; I’ll never be able to fill them all!) I’ll have to go back and check it out, especially these two chapters!