When I started this blog over four months ago I had no idea how much my soul hungered for the psychological and spiritual companionship of like-minded travelers, so was somewhat surprised to see how avidly I’ve been lapping up the warmth, wisdom, and compassion revealed in the comments of readers. Making your acquaintance has been a true blessing to me, and I offer you a gift in return: the recommendation of one of the wisest, most soul-satisfying books I’ve ever read written by one of my favorite new internet friends: William Douglas Horden.
Once in a while a book appears that is exactly what the spirit of the times cries out for. The Toltec I Ching, a reworking of an ancient oracle by a contemporary sage, is one of those books. The use of oracles was common in many civilizations of antiquity including the Greeks, Norse, and Egyptians. The most well-known is the Chinese I Ching, or ‘Book of Changes’, a collection of linear signs originating in the Shang Dynasty (1600–1046 BC). Oracles have long had an important role in Tibet and the Dalai Lama still consults one. The Yucatec Mayas consulted the writings of an oracle priest who correctly predicted the disastrous coming of the Spaniards.
Horden’s Toltec I Ching combines the ancient wisdom of the Chinese and Toltecs with the intellect and sensibility of a modern-day spirit person. For example, at the beginning of the 20th century Carl Jung said we each have a masculine and feminine side and repressing either creates psychological, cultural, and spiritual imbalance. Is there anything new about this message? No, spirit persons from every culture have always intuited this truth and devised wonderful teachings to convey it, but advancing civilization keeps forgetting and digging itself into ever-deeper holes. So just when we are waking up to the frightening darkness and depth of our current hole — featuring, among other things, terrorism, economic crises, worldwide violations of human rights, and environmental disasters on a global scale — along comes the Toltec I Ching.
This brilliant and beautiful oracle is written in a series of 64 brief chapters that reads almost like a novel. The main character is the authentic Spirit Warrior. The setting is the dual inner and outer worlds of the would-be warrior’s awakening soul. The plot describes the warrior’s journey through a series of psycho-spiritual tests which develop his/her masculine and feminine sides, strengthen intention, motivate action, guide direction, and create growing awareness. And the theme is the exact same one found in this blog: how to free oneself from ignorance and transcend duality to become a conscious, responsible, enlightened being capable of making healing choices of benefit to the world.
William Douglas Horden’s writing style is clear and masterfully organized logos artfully combined with imaginative, symbolic mythos. And the format? Simply gorgeous! Martha Ramirez-Oropeza has painted 64 extraordinary full-color illustrations in a style as simple as it is profound; the print is plenty large for aging eyes; each page has a sense-satisfying heft; and the cover is as sturdy as a non-hardback book could possibly be.
In short, the team of writer, painter, and Larson Publications has created a work of art worthy to sit on the shelf with the world’s spiritual classics. The only books I’ve underlined more are my King James Bible and the complete works of Carl Jung. If you have not yet added The Toltec I Ching to your spiritual library you’re missing a key to the mystery, and mastery, of your soul.
A Matter of Heart
“. . . when our left and right brain work in harmony, we begin to access our deeper Self and feel its guidance and support.
0 Responses
divine…..life is by chance…I write on this blog is by
chance, finding your blog is by chance, when one has
no questions ……although not knowing the answers….because
most of the time answers have inbuilt questions which
keep cropping as you graduate to answers….
giving you……
solid foundation to express one’s unique style…..
dreaming is process of graduations …..from fear to
after freedom what comes from the no where to now
here is wisdom …..and this happened in all directions
of earth in all times in every creative and scientific
fields and process of refinement is going on……
since the wisdom appeared in timelessness so even
we are enjoying the old questions- answers……..
dialogue …..wondering the similarities with our own
your friend Horden’s Toltec I ching is wisdom of old
expressed in the spirit of the present times….should
enlighten generations to come……
your contributions also are a history in making…..
let wisdom appear through you ….bless you….
Dear Ram0singhal,
Your beautiful thoughts and unique way with words continue to delight and amaze me. I love “dreaming is a process of graduations…from fear to freedom” (may I quote that in a future blog?) and “after freedom what comes from the no where to now here is wisdom…” You so obviously live freely in the “now here” and have been engaged in the “process of refinement” for a very long time.
I heartily agree with you that the old wisdom expressed in the spirit of now in Horden’s Toltec I Ching should enlighten generations to come, as should yours as expressed in your writings. Thank you for adding my contributions to that list as well.
May wisdom appear through all of us who are engaged in the “process of refinement.” May it permeate every loving action and purify the very air we breathe. May it make a safe haven of our beloved shared home for generations to come.
I am so grateful to Dame Chance for the opportunity to make your acquaintance.
Your friend,
divine…..thank you for the gift of friendship….quite soon you will need this expression …….as you are going to receive gift of friendship from cosmic divine……
what is your opinion about brain wave music ?
do you listen classical music or any other music ?
do you take walk in the garden?
do you cook your meal ?
do you pray?
take your time to answer……
p.s. ..my grand daughter just 5 yrs but enlightened little master will pray her garments before wearing so one day I ask her why? she replies for communication to feel wonderful ……
make every breath prayer…every work prayer…..
eternity is dancing on eternity like football, eternal space inside and outside in between the leather the body the gift of parents to us so they are our first god…
body is your guru and guide…so show gratitude every morning and evening to it means keep beautiful , wear perfume of happiness, ….
go to mirror and just say you……..
are most wonderful and beautiful person on earth which you are in the eyes of god nothing more or less than anybody………
folding hands one become mirror to god that is your ultimate destiny and happiness is prayer of god ….and god is your childhood friend……trust me….
bless you…
Dear Ram0singhal,
To answer your questions:
I don’t know anything about brain wave music. Would love to hear some.
I listen to classical, cool jazz, blues, contemporary alternative, and practically anything else.
I do walk in the garden.
I do cook my meal often, but not always.
My prayers flow with my breathing when it is conscious; when I am writing; when I am working on my dreams; and when I’m with those I love; and when I experience moments of awe, wonder, and gratitude for the gift of life. They are spontaneous and can happen any time. They are usually feelings, but occasionally have words too. The most common words are, “Thank you.”
Your friend,