My Season of Surrender

“Rebellious leaves going out in a blaze of glory, setting trees aflame in riotous color. Reluctant surrender to rumors of coming winter.” ~John Mark Green “Dreams and myths take us into the dark world of our personal and cultural unconscious, where the roots of the continuing oppression and the spiritual imprisonment of lives lie. If […]

Two Birthday Gifts From Afar

I usually schedule a post to be published one minute after midnight every Tuesday morning. I’ve done that pretty consistently for thirteen years with the exception of a year or two when I was so busy with my third book that I posted every two weeks. For some reason, or probably many reasons, yesterday I […]

Following the Wisdom of Dreams

“The creative process has feminine quality, and the creative work arises from the unconscious depths—we might say from the realm of the mothers.”~ C.G. Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul, p. 170. The journey into wholeness is essentially an act of creation. In order to create anything, we must be willing to trust […]

My Favorite Books in 2022

2022 was a year of catching up on my reading. For those of you who love to read, here are some of my favorites listed in no particular order. I loved them all. The quoted blurbs are from other reviewers. (Apologies for the inconsistent spacing between paragraphs. I can’t correct it. There’s something very wrong […]

Knowing the Land and Watching the Weather Report

“All consciousness separates; but in dreams we put on the likeness of that more universal, truer, more eternal man dwelling in the darkness of primordial night.  There he is still the whole, and the whole is in him, indistinguishable from nature and bare of all egohood.  It is from these all-uniting depths that the dream […]

Do Parables and Dreams Serve the Same Purposes?

Yesterday I received a text from a dear friend. Attached was a picture of two pages from her Bible’s study guide. They were about how to understand parables and she wondered if it would work to insert the word dreams wherever the word parables was used. It occurred to me that my response might make […]

Learn Your Story: Write Your Myth

“Just as dreams do not conceal something already known, or express it under a disguise, but try rather to formulate an as yet unconscious fact as clearly as possible, so myths and alchemical symbols are not…allegories that hide artificial secrets. On the contrary, they seek to translate natural secrets into the language of consciousness and […]

The Essential Thing Is the Opus

I observe myself in the stillness of Bollingen and with all my experience of nearly eight decades must admit that I have found no rounded answer to myself. I am just as much in doubt about myself as before, the more so the more I try to say something definite. It is as though familiarity […]

What Do Dreams Say About This Phase of Your Life?

I’m going through an uncomfortable phase. I’ve had the same dream almost every night for three weeks. It has no images. Just thoughts and words: I’m writing a blog post about the Mediatrix archetype. Although the words vary, the same three elements appear in every dream. First, I’m determined to understand and describe this archetype. […]

Dream Mother Sends Me Some Reassuring Dream Mothers

Everything young grows old, all beauty fades, all heat cools, all brightness dims, and every truth becomes stale and trite. For all these things have taken on shape, and all shapes are worn thin by the working of time; they age, sicken, crumble to dust—unless they change. But change they can, for the invisible spark […]