Following the Wisdom of Dreams

“The creative process has feminine quality, and the creative work arises from the unconscious depths—we might say from the realm of the mothers.”~ C.G. Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul, p. 170. The journey into wholeness is essentially an act of creation. In order to create anything, we must be willing to trust […]

The 52nd Week: My Year-End Rituals

I love the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. It has always stood out from the other 51 weeks in a year like a peaceful Zen garden, a special oasis where I attend to soul needs that require annual closure.

The Sacred Law of Correspondence

The first sacred law of psyche, the Law of Correspondence,  says that the outer universe is a reflection of the realities of our inner universe. This intuition gave rise to the ancient adages, “As above, so below,” and “As without, so within.” Humanity has expressed this relationship in diverse symbol systems like mythology, religion, tarot, alchemy, […]

Whispering Symbols: Dot and Circle

Both logos and mythos contribute to our spiritual development. Children use mythos thinking automatically. This is why they respond to life with spontaneity, enthusiasm, joy and wonder. But once the “masculine” phase of external striving begins, logos and the ego tend to dominate our thinking and spirituality and life begins to lose its savor.

What Do Dreams Say About This Phase of Your Life?

I’m going through an uncomfortable phase. I’ve had the same dream almost every night for three weeks. It has no images. Just thoughts and words: I’m writing a blog post about the Mediatrix archetype. Although the words vary, the same three elements appear in every dream. First, I’m determined to understand and describe this archetype. […]

Overcoming the Obstacles to Emotional Intelligence

“We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity; more than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.” ~ Charlie Chaplin “If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand, if you don’t have self-awareness, if you are not able to […]

A Special Invitation to Your Soul

“The Beloved we seek is the archetypal Self, our God-image that is a combination of all archetypes. As such, it is our portal to the Sacred.” This Saturday, June 12, I’ll present a free Zoom program for the Jung Association of Central Ohio called “The Partnership Profile: A Self-Assessment of Your Feminine and Masculine Archetypes.” The […]

Take This Coronavirus Status Check

The coronavirus pandemic has called forth some unsettling archetypal forces in all of us. In normal times we ignore most of them as we go about our daily business. But our daily business has been interrupted by our species’ relentless destruction of biodiversity. This has created the conditions for a viral disease that impacts the […]

Stepping out of the Mist

I lived the first half of my life in a mist. I thought I could see but was blind to the sacred. At 17 a spiritual awakening turned me into an avid seeker. My ideas about God came from other people and the Bible. I read a chapter every night. At 27 I experienced a […]

The Feminine Art of Transforming A House

“I was passionate, filled with longing. I searched far and wide. But the day that the Truthful One found me, I was at home.” ~Lal Did There is a powerful force in you that urges you to grow into the whole individual you were meant to be. Jung called it the transcendent function. Both masculine […]