Partnership Between the Lover and Beloved: The Healer

The archetype which represents the union between the Lover and the Beloved is the Healer. Healers develop the kind of love that takes energy, courage, and mindfulness. Capable of being honest about their emotions, healers are willing to be vulnerable. They invest their good wishes and positive intentions in others all the while knowing they risk the possibility that their love will not be returned, that the objects of their love might reject them, abandon them, or die.

The Evolution of God-Images Part VII: An Outer Other God

As our bodies have a mysterious imperative to grow and develop physically, so our psyche has a mysterious compulsion to evolve. We don’t know what this is, we just know it is. Carl Jung thought of the psyche’s compulsion to evolve as the archetype of Divinity. He saw it as both the core and circumference […]

The Lover Archetype

You can learn about your Lover archetype from mythology. One Greek god in particular, Dionysus, exemplifies the Lover’s healthy and shadow aspects. Lover is a romantic with a soulful earthiness and an unabashed appreciation for life. He is the curious child who closely examines and fiddles with new gadgets. The playful child who lures his […]

Learn Your Story: Write Your Myth

“Just as dreams do not conceal something already known, or express it under a disguise, but try rather to formulate an as yet unconscious fact as clearly as possible, so myths and alchemical symbols are not…allegories that hide artificial secrets. On the contrary, they seek to translate natural secrets into the language of consciousness and […]

A Special Invitation to Your Soul

“The Beloved we seek is the archetypal Self, our God-image that is a combination of all archetypes. As such, it is our portal to the Sacred.” This Saturday, June 12, I’ll present a free Zoom program for the Jung Association of Central Ohio called “The Partnership Profile: A Self-Assessment of Your Feminine and Masculine Archetypes.” The […]

Understanding Archetypes

Many who are fascinated with the psyche have tried to draw clear boundaries around the archetypes. I’ve worked on this for years in search of a framework that could help me understand myself, and I’m passing on what I’ve learned because it’s been useful; however, nobody knows for sure how closely our descriptions fit reality. In truth, it’s not possible to fully understand.

Archetypes: Your Guides to Your Authentic Self. Part II

The last post shared the first part of my article, “Archetypes: Your Guides to Your Authentic Self,” featured in the spring issue of ‘Inspired” magazine. You can read the whole magazine here. That post ended with a discussion of how your personal experiences with your human mother and father influenced your attitudes toward the universal […]

Reviews of Two Books with Heart

I’ve done some resting and a lot of reading since The Soul’s Twins was released in November. Two books have been especially meaningful to me and I’d like to share them with you. Heart of a Sufi By Rahima Milburn, Ashen Venema, Zohra Sharp His Medicine Was Love Heart of a Sufi is about Fazal […]

Healing Polarized Relationships from Within

The reality is that healing happens between people. The wound in me evokes the healer in you, and the wound in you evokes the healer in me, and then the two healers collaborate. ~ Rachel Naomi Remen My dear friends, I hope you found safe and comforting ways to celebrate the Covid-19 version of Christmas […]

Identifying and Working with Archetypes in Your Dreams

With our preference for the conscious ego’s rational processes above all our other functions, western culture tends to devalue the psyche’s natural, intuitive, imaginative processes. This split between the rational mind and nature created the seriously dysfunctional attitudes and practices which have brought us to the brink of destruction.