Religious But Not Religious

“To discover the truth of the transcendent, whether that is understood as knowing God, gaining Buddha consciousness, being in Tao, or putting on the mind of Christ, one first has to engage one’s particular religious path as if it were true.” p. 168 “The knowledge gained through the practice of the symbolic life changes the […]

Coming Home to your True, Pure Soul

My last two posts here and here, sparked a rich conversation with Deborah Gregory, a psychotherapist and poet who’s learning more about her masculine archetypes from the Partnership Profile in The Soul’s Twins. She wrote: “Hmm, so now I’ve woken up to these insights and find myself in a similar place … having to reclaim the […]

Reviews of Two Books with Heart

I’ve done some resting and a lot of reading since The Soul’s Twins was released in November. Two books have been especially meaningful to me and I’d like to share them with you. Heart of a Sufi By Rahima Milburn, Ashen Venema, Zohra Sharp His Medicine Was Love Heart of a Sufi is about Fazal […]

Is Nothing Sacred Any More? Where is Your Temple?

“We are still looking back to the pentecostal events in a dazed way instead of looking forward to the goal the Spirit is leading us to. Therefore mankind is wholly unprepared for the things to come. Man is compelled by divine forces to go forward to increasing consciousness and cognition, developing further and further away […]

Symbolism of the Christmas Star: A Great Conjunction

“The old image of “sky” rests uneasily next to the modern idea of “space.” Now depth psychology sees the image of the star-studded sky as a visualization of the flickering sparks of consciousness within the dark vastness of the unconscious psyche.” Taschen, The Book of Symbols, p. 56 Tonight, December 21, 2020, will be the […]

Are You Ready to Meet Your Soul’s Twins?

Okay. There’s so much to tell you that I hardly know where to begin. Do you remember me ever writing “I don’t think I have it in me to write another book?” after Healing the Sacred Divide was published in 2013?  I don’t remember if I actually wrote it in a post, but I certainly […]

Stepping out of the Mist

I lived the first half of my life in a mist. I thought I could see but was blind to the sacred. At 17 a spiritual awakening turned me into an avid seeker. My ideas about God came from other people and the Bible. I read a chapter every night. At 27 I experienced a […]

Meaning from Symbol/Symbol from Self

Before words, there were symbols. Symbols arise from our Source. We and our world are resplendent with symbols. Our clothes, art, the colors and objects in our homes and where we work and play, the people we love and admire, everything in the natural world — all this has symbolic meaning for us. We do […]

Daimons, Archetypes, and Gods

“The method of active imagination that Jung inaugurated in modern psychology is the answer to the classical question of introspection at such a profound level that it changes the image of human being, of the psyche, and what Know Thyself essentially means. Before Freud, knowing thyself in psychology meant to know one’s ego-consciousness and its […]