Are You Ready to Meet Your Soul’s Twins?

Okay. There’s so much to tell you that I hardly know where to begin. Do you remember me ever writing “I don’t think I have it in me to write another book?” after Healing the Sacred Divide was published in 2013?  I don’t remember if I actually wrote it in a post, but I certainly […]

Dialogue with the Self

Dear Friends: I’m at our beloved mountain home. I’ve been so busy restoring the newly remodeled kitchen that there’s been little time for much else. So here’s a post within a post I wrote about this sanctuary four years ago. Carl Jung said the Self is both our core and our circumference. Some think of […]

Identifying and Working with Archetypes in Your Dreams

With our preference for the conscious ego’s rational processes above all our other functions, western culture tends to devalue the psyche’s natural, intuitive, imaginative processes. This split between the rational mind and nature created the seriously dysfunctional attitudes and practices which have brought us to the brink of destruction.

What Is Enlightenment?

As you can see, the search for enlightenment cannot be compartmentalized into one domain, but requires cooperation between every part of us in every domain in which we function. I stress this point to dispel the common misconception that putting all our spiritual eggs into one basket—traditional religious participation and belief—is the only way to attain enlightenment.

The Six C's of the Silver Queen

My last three posts were about the psychological underpinnings of the upcoming U.S. election. In keeping with the purpose of Matrignosis, (mother-knowing), I’ve focused on the feminine principle and the importance of activating it in ourselves and society as a healthy corrective to the excesses of patriarchy.

A Dialogue with the Self

As the source of our irresistible compulsion to grow into our true selves and express our unique creativity, the Self is an ongoing, never-ending process. I see it as the psychological equivalent to the physical exchange of energy and information constantly occurring at the quantum level between the molecules of our bodies and between us and our environments.

What Wants to Be Born?

Where does all this new life come from? Well, that’s the Big Question isn’t it? The Mystery that’s always confounded us, the one we have yet to solve. We’ve always reflected on it, and when we’re deep in reverie, opening our minds and suspending our judgment, images rise into our awareness.

Inanna: Myth of Descent

Hero myths have healing meaning too, but “happily ever after” does not tell the whole story. Descent myths do.

Avatar and Cultural Transformation

This lush film eloquently depicts the transformation occurring in humanity’s heroic journey into wholeness and consciousness. It does so by contrasting an ego that succeeds by opening to otherness and change with one that fails because it refuses to grow.

Confessions of a Right-Brained Writer

There’s nothing wrong with either of us. We just have different ways of thinking about, processing and expressing information. His way is considered far superior to mine in our Western, academically oriented culture. And for many years, I bought into that perspective.