Living and Learning To Love

After writing two posts a week for years, then one post a week, and now even less, the time has come to give more time to other needs and interests. For those of you who’ve wondered about the title of this blog, “Matrignosis”, it means “Mother Knowing.” You won’t find it in any dictionary.  I […]

Repairing the Foundation of Psyche’s House

Learning how we are really wounded, how our childhood was lacking, and how we need to be healed and grow is crucially important to living a fulfilled life. If we aren’t able to determine and face the truth of how we were formed, then in our radical achievement- and identity-oriented society we will constantly blame […]

Season’s Blessings

            Wishing those of you in the northern hemisphere a Happy Winter Solstice. For my friends in the southern hemisphere, may you enjoy a Happy Summer Solstice. Wherever you are, whatever your beliefs, however you celebrate the miracle of life and light, may you be filled with love, joy, peace, […]

The Power of Inner Work: Three Questions

“We have all experienced the destructive effects of the projections onto the feminine in Western societies. These projections trace their origins to the joining of the patriarchy with institutionalized monotheism. The patriarchy grew out of the middle ages into the Age of Reason, and this movement birthed a cultural mentality that became rational, verbal, and […]

My Season of Surrender

“Rebellious leaves going out in a blaze of glory, setting trees aflame in riotous color. Reluctant surrender to rumors of coming winter.” ~John Mark Green “Dreams and myths take us into the dark world of our personal and cultural unconscious, where the roots of the continuing oppression and the spiritual imprisonment of lives lie. If […]

The Never-Ending Dance

I too have suffered from despair since childhood. It began at the age of 11 when my father died. To this day there are many occasions in my daily life when I cannot get excited about something because I know it will not last and my pleasure will not last and I will die and nobody will care and nothing I have done will make any difference, and so what?

Remyth Your Story with Heart

“The vehicle of our right brain and much of our deeper Self is symbolized by what we often think of as “the heart”. Our symbolic heart is an organ of vision, a way of seeing that can help our intellect to look below the surface of things. There we can see the meaning in the […]

A Lesson Learned from Mother Nature

“Wisdom begins only when one takes things as they are . . . So it is a healing attitude when one can agree with the facts as they are . . . only then can we thrive.”  C.G. Jung, Visions, Notes from the Seminar given in 1930-34, Vol. I As a long-time student and teacher, […]

Ego and God-Image: Part IX

“The crux of the matter is man’s own dualism, to which he knows no answer. This abyss has suddenly yawned open before him with the latest events in world history, after mankind lived for many centuries in the comfortable belief that a unitary God had created man in his own image, as a little unity. […]

Ego and God-Image: Part VI

[T]he most important relationship of childhood, the relation to the mother, will be compensated by the mother archetype as soon as detachment from the childhood state is indicated. One such successful interpretation has been, for instance, Mother Church, but once this focus begins to show signs of age and decay, a new interpretation becomes inevitable. […]